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Topic:Finally got my new garage heater installed!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
whealySpecial thanks to all those that offered up their opinions back in Nov on this link .

Mostly, I found some keywords that I had not been using originally bringing up a much wider variety of web vendors. As a result I found this electric, 220 vole, three phase field switchable, 15 inch by 15 inch by 15 inch unit with a thermostat. I had to wait to have the circuit installed. I’ve only had it in tonight but did do some testing. With an outdoor temp of mid 30’s, I was able to raise the bay temp about 1.5 degree per minute up to a temp of 80 degrees. Here’s some picture.

Again, thanks for all the help. Now who wants to do a mid winters event in Indy? I think we can wash cars, grill burgers and spend some time socializing. Anybody up for a little winter POA get together? We can’t let the winterless states have all the fun!


This message has been edited by whealy on 01-09-2003 at 10:43 PM

Gary CIs there room for one more, remember no fenders???????????

Looks cosy

ed monahanWhealy, does it come in RED? lol. Glad to hear it is warmer in parts of IN than here.
butchceePretty good. How many sq/ft is your area that you heated? Are the walls insulated? How mant watts does it use?
fixummWhealy turn it up,then mabey it will warm up out here.

Looks good .nottin like a warm kitty.

Originally posted by butchcee:
Pretty good. How many sq/ft is your area that you heated? Are the walls insulated? How mant watts does it use?


BTW, glad to see you're back up and running again.

sq/ft = just over 400
walls and celing are insulated
7,500 watts and 25,598 BTU / hour

This message has been edited by whealy on 01-10-2003 at 07:32 AM

JUST JPWhealy,
Guess I'm no longer th only one washing the Kat in the winter. I have a gas space heater in my garage. Glad you got it handled.

2000 Black Kat
"self-proclaimed" poorest Prowler owner

1) ceramic pads 2) Bill's 2.1 intake with EGR bypass 3) "cracked ice" shimmers
4)49,500+ (s)miles

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