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Topic:Few Chrysler UAW workers enjoy beer and weed during lunch
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ALLEY CAT http://www.myfoxdetroit.com/dpp/news/chrysler-auto-workers-busted_20100923_dk

Just a few of them from a Detroit Jeep plant during lunch hour,,,,but I would imagine it is far more widespread than this.

Cheezeyep, it happens everywhere, I worked on a line that they passed the bottle down the line with the car part . I also work with a lot of white collar auto workers who took two hour liquid lunches or more. One of the reasons I did not want to work in auto industry. At least these guys where not on the clock.
ed monahanYep, I agree that there is drinking on the job in most every occupation. It is not the right thing to do, but it
happens, for sure.
The railroad had tons of alcoholics back when I worked there. Cops drank on the job, too.

TLRandallLooks like Chrysler did the right thing, they fired 13 and suspended the other two. Good to see them stand up and take care of it right away.
ALLEY CATI would bet those workers 'will' get their jobs back.

You can't see what's in the paper sack they were drinking from,,,and you don't know for sure they were smoking weed.

I believe they were doing as reported,,,,,but arbitration will over rule the company's position, most likely..

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