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Topic:Face It..... We're all Attention Whores....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Doug WilliamsThe Prowler has got to be the most fun car I've ever experienced. Many people have never seen a Prowler, even here in Vegas. I drove mine to Church tonight, and had a half dozen people standing around it scratching their heads after Mass, asking questions like.... Did you "hand-make" it??? How long did it take to restore it???Did it come with those seats??? Where does the "pipe-rack go???( This guy knew that I was a Plumber by trade.) My statement stands... We are definitely "Attention Whores". Why else would we drive the coolest looking vehicle made, in spite of no trunk, a small fuel tank and a bumpy ride??? Later!!! Doug
Todd CameronWhores get paid... so I must be a slut instead

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange, 2001 Silver, 2001 Muholland

MADMAXBumpy ride????? What do you mean???? Yeah.... I get paid..... It's a dirty job but som-------body has to do it!!!!! MADMAX
Dave MillsNo trunk? No problem, get a trailer or weekender; small gas tank? Get gas every 200 miles or so; Bumpy ride? Gee, I never noticed!
Phat KatYes, I guess we are!!! But isn't life GREAT when driving the BEAST. You should see the looks I get when they see my Air Patrol window sticker. So far it has worked twice. The second ones were the best![img]http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/image_uploads/HHH/HOOTERS 2.JPG[/img]
Larry SummersDefinitely not a car for the shy or introverted. Once a cop was writing a traffic ticket at a red light where I was stopped waiting for green. He interrupted his process, raised his sunglasses, said "nice car, Sir" then continued
his ticket.
Gary CPHAT CAT,,,,,

there should be no spaces in your file name, that's why the photo didn't work, HOOTERS 2 will not work,, HOOTERS2 is the correct way,,, good luck

If you can't get it, email me the photo..

Gary CIt must be 70k or smaller and MUST be .gif or .jpg. Use the "Browse" button to locate the desired image on your computer, once you have it selected click on the "Upload Now" button and you will be given further instructions (Make sure there are NO spaces in the name, stick to a name with 8 characters followed by .jpg or .gif!!). Please make sure the image is no larger than 640x480 resolution for maximum viewing pleasure. Please use this feature for Prowler-related pictures only.
MadMikeyHad some teenagers pull up next to me when I was stopped at a light at Craig and Rancho. They rolled down a window and said "Cool car, how much?" I replied, "Well the last one made went for $175,000". I never saw eyes open so wide!!

MadMikey :{>

Storage/Bandwidth Contributor
2001 Mulholland
ProwlerPro Gears
Roar CAI HyperFilter and HyperCharger
3" Blind Spot Mirrors (safety first)
POA License Plate Frame
Mopar Trailer Hitch
Real Rod Trans. Cooler Cover
Flag Caddies
MGW Prowler Hitch Plug
Real Rod Weekender

Black Tie 161The Prowler made driving fun again.....I thought my Camaros would do the trick, but they just invited trouble....

It's all good now..

Originally posted by MadMikey:
"Well the last one made went for $175,000".

MadMikey :{>

Good response and since I don't see a copyright on it I'll use it the next time I'm asked how much.

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