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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Bob Miller(Washington) - One day after being named the new White House spokesman, former Fox News pundit Tony Snow announced that a deal merging Fox News and the Bush White House had been successfully completed.

"The merger between Fox News and the White House can be summed up in one word: synergy," Mr. Snow said. "The two entities have been working in lockstep for five years now and this merger is a formal acknowledgment of that fact."

While many Beltway observers had long assumed that a merger between the White House and Fox News was inevitable, not until reporters saw workmen hanging a "Fair and Balanced" sign from the White House portico this morning did they know a deal had finally been struck.

According to those familiar with the deal, the final sticking point in the negotiations was ironed out late last night when President George W. Bush agreed to report to Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch.

Moments after the merger was announced, Mr. Snow introduced the latest member of the Bush Cabinet, Secretary of Defense Bill O'Reilly.

In his first official act as Defense Secretary, Mr. O'Reilly called CNN "a gathering threat" and added the cable news network to the Axis of Evil.

Mr. O'Reilly's comments drew sharp criticism from Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Del), who told reporters, "I don't see how CNN can be considered a threat when their biggest weapon is Larry King."


It's GOOD to rub elbows with SNO!!

CNN's rating have headed down the toilet with those of MSNBC and AirHead America radio show,,,,all Liberal supporting viewpoints. Got to be fair and balanced like Fox News

Snoman [QUOTE]Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

It's GOOD to rub elbows with SNO!!


This message has been edited by Snoman on 04-28-2006 at 08:32 AM

YellowFeverCan you say ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, etc. and clinton?

Can you say dan blather and lying about documents about the president.

Admit it, you have no problem wiht all the liberal media siding with liberals but, God forbid one favors a conservative..........

Bob MillerI prefer to get my news from BBC, NPR and C-Span.
ed monahanTony Snow is a local boy. He was critical of Dubya in the recent past. hmmmm
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Tony Snow is a local boy. He was critical of Dubya in the recent past. hmmmm

Well thats all changed now that he's marching lockstep with the "Decider".
I miss the old days when all we had to worry about was the President getting a blowj*b from an intern instead of giving them to the oil company CEO's.


Is this the same guy who said: "What happens when Cheney gets an erection? George W. Bush gets taller".

This message has been edited by heynow14 on 04-29-2006 at 02:22 AM

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