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Topic:FOTO Class, Chapter 8, finding a location
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
tangled up in BLUE...in the first 3 chapters we discussed different types of locations....but where do we find them...

...the first 2 types of locations are usually easy to find with a little driving and a sharp eye....many times a location may appear out of nowhere.....the secret to finding locations is to look at things you pass on the streets as if they were a photograph in a frame, and see if your car fits in the picture....some of the best pictures I have taken have been snatched from a location you would never expect...I have pulled great shots from an alley between trash cans and telephone poles(Yelo Kat), a curve in a street(Kandi Kat), sides of buildings(Kandi Kat), cemetarys(Gold Kat and many others), inside factorys(Yelo Kat), neighbors driveway(the red Vette in the snow)....these locations are all around you, just keep a keen eye when cruising and keep your camera in the car as often as possible....It takes just a few minutes to take a shot that might not be there in a few days when you return...I carry a camera in the car ALL THE TIME...

...the ART Shot is a real challenge that keeps photography fresh and fun.....

...I spotted these flowers while driving down a street a few blocks from my home....I pass this alley every day, but never noticed till last year there was a Foto opportunity right in front of me....I snatched one out of mid air between trash cans, a telephone pole, a garage, and some bad shadows that caused me to return a few hours later for another try....it was tough, but I got some great shots that day...

picture #1....before, the raw subject...
picture #2,#3....the final products, bright colored car, dark background and a great contrast with the red flowers....

This message has been edited by tangled up in BLUE on 06-12-2005 at 09:46 PM

Lone Ranger
Good points to remember. Shots are great.
RADCAT RICHand no pole, got it! JMO pic 2 is the best.

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