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Topic:Exhaust systems - stock or ?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
chasmccartDoes anyone have any advice on changing the exhaust system on my 2001. I have seen cars listed with the Borla Exhaust but the Borla web site does not list the Prowler. Is the Borla louder than the stock exhaust? What about other manufacturers or a local custom exhaust shops?
CJIn answer to the question about which is louder, you'll get a multitude of opinions. Both my cats have the Borla Prowler exhausts and I love them. They are louder and throatier than the stock exhausts, but not so loud that they become obnoxious......unless you like obnoxious! We took both of mine to a muffler shop we knew and had them change them. Cost us about $70 each......it was worth it!

CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR 2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN

Classic/Beautiful - I'm referring to the Cat of course!

meancatIf it were me I'd leave it stock.Don't void your warranty.


Originally posted by meancat:
If it were me I'd leave it stock.Don't void your warranty.

Changing the exhaust should NOT void the warranty. With the extended warranties offered these days stock non stainless exhaust systems could rust out before the warranty expires.
I have the Borla and love it. Louder than stock but not too loud just as CJ said. issue.

another alternative is the SSS muffler which Mr. Jay Harris from the Shimmers co. developed especially for the Prowler - we got this muffler on both our cats and love it.
(Go to the 'search' link on top of this page in the right hand corner and enter "SSS muffler" to read more about it)

Others put straight pipes on it, others used glaspacks, I guess it really comes down to what sound it is your looking for !

DIXIE CatGive Jay a call at 800-669-3540 if you'd like more info on the SSS.

Thanks Dustis!!

Marty UsherI'd suggest you attend a POA event and listen to all the various exhausts. Exhaust sound is a lot like music - different people like different sounds.

18" glass packs is an inexpensive way to get a throatier sound. The Borla system and SSS mufflers give a deeper sound. The exhaust tips will change the sound also.

I have heard so many good things about Jays SSS..... its gotta be top class......
I have an older borla myself, its the carbon Fiber tip one... love the sound and the look, but they don't make them anymore....
if I hadn't got it a such a great price... i'd be runnin a SSS

Jays the man !

Silver Cat 01
18" glass packs is an inexpensive way to get a throatier sound.

I haven't heard any Prowler exhaust sound better than glasspacks. Glasspacks with an x-pipe or h-pipe and the baffles removed in the tips sounds awesome.

Rich W
2001 Silver Cat

Black Tie 161
Originally posted by meancat:
If it were me I'd leave it stock.Don't void your warranty.


The Borla exhaust has a MOPAR part number and can be ordered AND installed by your dealer. Borla will never show a spec of rust either. Get a Borla cat-back system before they stop making them.

bbcarI agree with Rich, I have 18'' cherry bombs and the sound is super. Not so loud that you can't hear yourself think but considerably louder than stock. It really sounds like it has some real grunt to it.
RATT RODbbcar any chance of getting a sound clip of the cherry bombs?
I put on Jay's SSS about 2 months ago. The single best MOD done so far. Just the right blend of sounds. Easy to install, even for a "non mechanic". Jay will give you all the help you need.
RED5there is usually a borla set on ebay....its not on today.
keep checking ebay.

Can our POA friendly dealers still get these??

chasmccartThanks for all your input. I have seen the Borla exhaust on e-bay before. There is a local shop that is a Borla distributor and installer. Mike's Corvette in Plymouth. They also have a place in California. I am going to the Exotic Car Show in Manchester, NH on Saturday. I will see if there are any Prowlers there with the Borla setup so I can listen. I will also call SSS.
Thanks again
bbcarI will have to see if any of my friends have a video camera that I can use to make a sound clip.
ed monahanThere are two types of Borlas, just to add to your confusion. One has chrome tips with an cat etched on them, the other has black carbon fiber tips. They look much different but I believe the sound is fairly close. I have straight pipes on the 99 and have a Borla system I am probably going to install one of these days on the 2002.

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