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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Exclusive: Prominent lawyer sought donor cash for two Trump accusers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWare http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/365068-exclusive-prominent-lawyer-sought-donor-cash-for-two-trump-accusers


Tammy Bruce: Feminist attorney Lisa Bloom tried to 'silence women through money'

ed monahanThe more you find out about the elections, the more disgusted I get about the entire thing. I am sure both sides do similar things, that is the price you have to pay to "win". It is disheartening to think these slimy folks are in charge of getting "their people" elected and the politicians have to be aware of most of it.
StingRayAgreed, Ed, but it seems the democrats fear voter registration and some form of voter ID card as "voter suppression" which leads me to believe that they count on those fraudulent and bullying tactics to be able to win an election. I have no doubt that hanky pinky goes on both sides in trying to "manipulate" people ... but it seems pretty clear that Republicans favor a national voter roll so one person casts one vote anywhere in this country, which is they way an elections would be - yet democrats fight that path tooth and nail - signaling their corruption is rooted in not just manipulating the person but the system and process as well.

Has Got To Stop!

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