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Topic:Evansville IN area Prowlers plz check in
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DUSTIJust seen the news about the severe weather in the Evansville, IN area and the devastation and injuries !

Simonsez etc. Please check in with us !


ALLEY CATTangled in New Castle, is far away from Evansville, but he was probably thinking he could get an award winning photo of a F-5 tornado hitting his Tangelo cat,,,,,sitting outside in the leaves, on the driveway

Just called and checked on Bruce Carole Simon (P.O.A. Simonsez), The twister hit on the other side of town They are fine. I hope all else are.

SimonsezTHANKS for the emails and phone calls. We are fine and no damage to our neighborhood. I was at the location where the tornado hit at midnight. I noticed the bank sign read 68 degrees...this was at midnight! The wind was so gusty that I could barely keep my S-10 on the road. As I was going to bed the warnings went off and it hit (3 minutes later). We have been up most of the night watching our local news coverage. One Prowler owner (Danny Spindler) lives near one of the major hits but I am almost sure he was in his rural log home for the weekend. We appreciate all's concern and am happy to give you the report we are just fine.
BeWareBruce glad to hear you guys are OK. Hope everyone else is.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 11-06-2005 at 09:47 AM

DUSTIGLAD to hear you're o.k. ........thanks for letting us know !


I just checked with my family in Jasper. They said the majority of the damage hit Newburg. Of course if that's the case, the national news would still use Evansville. Glad to hear that you seem to have come throught p[retty unscathated.

SimonsezNewburgh & Evansville used to be miles apart...no longer. Only a road separates the two now. The damage is just unreal. They say the worst part (a trailer court of course) that the touch down was only about 10-15 seconds. Some very expensive homes in Newburgh leveled. I have seen some of the devastation and it is hard to imagine how more people were not killed. We have received many emails and calls (as far away as California-thanks YK2) and I assure you we are fine.
Pat and JonieBruce and Carol,

We were thinking of you. Glad to hear you two are fine.
Pat and Jonie

Kat DaddyBruce and Carol,

We're glad to hear you're okay. Hope the rest of your family and the other prowler owners in the area are too!

That same storm front caused less severe tornados as far south as the Nashville area as well. The tornado sirens woke us up around 3:00am. Nothing of the magnitude you got - luckily, we only had some trees blown down in our area.


Glad to hear you are all okay. I hope your recovery is quicker than what Hurricane Wilma recently left our area with. Some still without power, phones, and Broward county schools still closed going on the 3rd week.

Take care.

Jay & Nancy

tangled up in BLUEglad all you fellow Hoosiers are Okay....it was really windy here last night too....this morning I found Dorothy and her dog Toto in the yard......
Marty UsherBruce - glad you all are OK. We did not hear about it until late yesterday as we were driving home form the Gulf Coast. Once we turned on the news, I was astonished at the damage. Again - it's sure glad to hear you all were safe.
SimonsezMy son has tried to get me to move to Pensacola since I retired. With all the storms down that way I said nothing happens in Evansville so I really feel safe here. When something like this happens and the magnitude of disaster is so close it is a false feeling to feel that you are really safe anywhere. Before the storm hit we had one of the prettiest fall days you could ever want. I do want to thank all of my Prowler friends for their heartfelt concerns.
DR PROWLERLet's hope all is well with everyone!
We had 70 mile an hour winds up here yesterday,few downed trees and power outages but nothing serious.
SimonsezUPDATE noon on Monday. The mobile home park that was hit was in a "corn field" with no protection and no place to seek shelter. Next to it was a pond and that is now being drained. About an hour ago the 23rd victim was recovered. The report said they suspect that 5 more bodies are in that pond. Of the 150 people still in the hospital 23 are critical some on life support. The death toll is expected to rise to even more. For those who have passed through our city it occured just north of the Ohio River and the twin bridges to Henderson, Kentucky. The by-pass hwy. #164 runs right beside the mobile home park.

This message has been edited by Simonsez on 11-07-2005 at 12:29 PM

CJBruce and Carole.........glad to hear that you are okay. We just spent a week down in NC at my son's home. He doesn't have TV, so we've been rather out of touch with the world. Hope all other owners in that area are okay, too.

CJ and Bob

SimonsezCJ and others showing their concern. Joe Brandsasse and Marla Little live on the West Side so they are fine. Debbie & Tony Winstead live closer to town they are OK. Danny Spindler was out of town at the time. The area affected is really confined to a small area...like I said...a trailer court in an open field. Thanks again to all our Prowler fiends from the Evansville Prowler owners.

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