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Topic:Easy Pop Quiz
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
EssexExportWhich of these rides would you call The Boat?

pumpkinThe red Pontic


More 'Pumpkin' photos and Mod Stuff . . . . . . . Our other cars and stuff

"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

beachcatThe prowler is shaped like a boat.
reecheeI used to have a 1960 Pontiac. The one in the picture is a 59. There wasn't a lot of difference between them. It was big like a boat and drove like one.

If money is speech why can't I pay my taxes with words?

BeWareAlso often referred to as a Land Yacht.
alrtgIf the Pontiac is a Land Yacht does that make the Prowler a little Dinghy?
SirRealNO but if the shoe fits
Can't catch me me I'm off to see the wizard
Originally posted by SirReal:
NO but if the shoe fits
Can't catch me me I'm off to see the wizard

I knew that would draw out a comment from someone, because, because, because....of all the wonderful posts he does.

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