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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:EYES on credit cards
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/13/cfpb-data-mining-on-consumer-credit-cards-challenged-in-heated-house-hearing/

Is there anything the government isn't watching?

BeWareMakes you wonder. Are we heading towards this.

Big Brother is a fictional character in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. He is the enigmatic dictator of Oceania, a totalitarian state taken to its utmost logical consequence – where the ruling Party wields total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.

In the society that Orwell describes, everyone is under complete surveillance by the authorities, mainly by telescreens. The people are constantly reminded of this by the phrase "Big Brother is watching you", which is the core "truth" of the propaganda system in this state.

Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the term "Big Brother" has entered the lexicon as a synonym for abuse of government power, particularly in respect to civil liberties, often specifically related to mass surveillance.

GortWonder why they keep dancing around what they really want to do. If you could get everyone to have a mircochip in their body they could finally have total control.They could put it in your hand,if you didn't have a hand, maybe your forehead.You'd have to have a number to ID the program...wonder what a good number would be? Of course you couldn't buy or sell or trade anything without this chip being activated. Hmmm ...I wonder.
JeraneWHard to believe we could be required to have tattoos. Don't think it couldn't happen. Hitler used them and you can see our government keeps getting away with more and more every day. Our government will eventually insist we are micro chipped for our own good; birth record, health status, census taking, etc.
bjprowlerThe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the agency that will be watching your credit card activity. It is headed by Richard Cordray who was hand picked and appointed by Obama while congress was in recess....

Another CFPB rule that will take effect on January 1 is the "Ability to Repay Rule"

Every mortgage application will be subject to this rule and any applicant that does not meet it's criteria will be denied a loan regardless of your credit history, your credit score or your reserves.....It basically says that if your debt-to-income ratio is above 43% no lender will be allowed to grant you a loan....Your government prohibits it....Even if you have $3 million in your IRA you won't be able to qualify....

.....The great and powerful Obama and his minions has spoken!!!

padrooShow me the 3 million dollar rule then I will believe it. People with that kind of money are not buying $100.000 houses so the rule could still apply. Your turn.
bjprowlerI began my career in mortgage lending on March 27, 1967 and am still working in it today. (46+years)

I don't have time to dig up documentation to prove my statements above but can assure you that I am not in the habit of posting information that is untrue....

You may call Freddie Mac to ask about "qualifying income' at 1-703-918-5823 or browse through this website.

You may also want to surf the web under "Ability To Repay Rule"

Here's one:..


Of interest in this "final rule" is the paragraphs that deal with approving loans with ratios OVER 43%...I can tell you that I do not know ANY underwriters who will overide guidelines....Doing so is almost a guarantee that if the loan goes bad the originating lender will be forced to buy back the defaulted loan from Freddie of Fannie.

I can understand your reluctance to believe that the new rules are so ridiculous....In our business we hear that from consumers on a regular basis....That's what happens when the government starts underwriting loans.....

You may also want to call your local bank or mortgage broker....Be sure you're speaking with a knowledgeable person and ask them if having substantial liquid assets can offset a debt ratio over 43% on a mortgage.

I'm not accustomed to being called a liar or ignorant of the laws that regulate my business so I'll assume that was not your intent. Check it out for yourself.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-14-2013 at 11:17 AM

padrooI am sorry I ruffled your feathers but it seems to me this is all because of the housing meltdown and it may be excessive. If someone had that kind of money in the bank why wouldn't they put a larger down payment anyway. I don't have a mortgage anymore but if I remember it used to be 36 per cent was the recommended maximum. The question is who is going to be responsable when the house payment can't be paid. It seems like the last time around we paid for it. It's a classic case of irresponsibility lack of accountabiliy and greed, it's a cause and effect.

I am not calling you a liar but I do disagree with you. Jmo

bjprowlerI don't make the rules, Padroo....My post was just to illustrate how the governments interference and over regulation has made it more difficult for applicants who do not fit their guidelines perfectly to qualify for a mortgage in spite of having substantial assets....

I've attached a blog from Christina Boyles, VP at Freddie Mac that demonstrates that point...The article involves using IRA or 401K assets to qualify for a mortgage. (Note also, that unless you are eligible to withdraw from your plan without penalty, NONE of the asset can be used for income qualification)

IN PARAGRAPH 4 she explains the formula for qualiying on retirement income from a qualified plan....Read that and then let's do some math...

Let's say the borrower is a retired 65 year old that has $800,000.00 in his IRA and he has elected to receive a monthly disbursement of $4,000.00 per month. That $4,000.00 CANNOT be used as qualifying income.....See the formula below that effectively LOWERS his qualifying income to only $1,555 per month.

At that rate, (and not even considering the earnings from his account balance) he should be able to receive that $4,000 each month for the next 200 months (16 years, 8 months). That would make him almost 82 years old when the account was depleted....(again, lenders may not assume that there will be dividends or gains from his account)

Now, following the Freddie Mac guideline formula here is what he can expect his $800,000.00 nest egg to qualify him for:

$800,000.00 balance in retirement accounts
= $560,000.00
divided by 360 months
equals $1,555.00 monthly income for qualifying
times 43% maximum debt to income ratio
EQUALS $668.00 maximum monthly of ALL debt

Note: The $668 per month includes principal and interest on the proposed mortgage, real estate taxes, homeowners insurance, association fees plus all other installment payments (car payments, credit cards, etc) In this senario the borrower would be lucky to qualify for a $75,000 30 year mortgage (if he had no ther debt) even though he has $800K in the bank....He would qualify for EVEN LESS if he wanted a shorter term loan.

So there you have it....$800,000.00 in liquid assets in the bank and your government says the borrower's total monthly obligations MUST be limited to $668.00. (some area's have real estate taxes alone that would exceed that amount)

Here's the Freddie Mac link http://www.freddiemac.com/news/blog/christina_boyle/20130513_financial_assets.html

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-15-2013 at 02:13 PM

padrooYour example makes a lot of good points. It is your line of work and not mine and I do believe you know what you are talking about. I don't go around calling people liars anyway even if i disagree with them. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and this mess can be worked out so the system works the way it was intended. I hope I don't need another mortgage! Thanks for the clarification.
garysssI can see some reasons for this from your example. Unless there is a hold put on his account, he can take a loan, than spend all that money on something else later and have no income or assets to repay loan. 65 years old and a 30 year loan doesn't go together well. I think if your putting a large down payment it should make a big difference in what you qualify for.
bjprowlerNo problem, padroo....It's just one more example of how government cannot make rules that deal fairly with every circumstance and should stand back and let private enterprise/competition sort this out...
Originally posted by garysss:
I can see some reasons for this from your example. Unless there is a hold put on his account, he can take a loan, than spend all that money on something else later and have no income or assets to repay loan. 65 years old and a 30 year loan doesn't go together well. I think if your putting a large down payment it should make a big difference in what you qualify for.

Gary...ECOA Laws currently in place prevent a lender from discriminating on the basis of age....If a 65 year old, or even an 80 year old applies for (and is qualified for) a 30 year mortgage, they will get it...

And as far as spending their IRA on something else and not being able to pay:.....Consider borrowers who are working for an employer for two or more years and are qualified for a mortgage based upon on their CURRENT average monthly income from wages....If, after the loan is closed their employer goes out of business and they have no job what do you think happens?...They have no income and are unable to pay their mortgage payment....No one can predict these things with certainty...

Again....Those of us who have been in this business for years realize all the inherent risks and, in the past, have been able to analyze each borrower's circumstances individually....But suddenly the government has decided that they know better and they have a "one size fits all" solution...

Think of this...Your grandchildren may never own a home and the "American Dream" might become an impossible dream......Their home might become a place that is "assigned" and provided by the government...All we have to do is give up another "freedom" to make our own decisions and to become beholden to a socialistic, "nanny state" government...

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-15-2013 at 08:22 PM

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