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Topic:Duck Dynasty starts gun co
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortTogether with Mossberg they will have their own brand of guns....WOW
Gort http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-Sports/2014/01/02/Duck-Dynasty-Launches-Gun-Line-Including-Military-Style-Rifles-and-Pistols

looks somewhat like an AR-15

ibjeffIts not about anything but marketing and money.....strike while you are hot....Duck Dynasty will be over just like Honey BooBoo. They know it and are scrambling for any last minute moneys as with any TV franchises. DUHHHHH its franchising and publicity!!!!!!!!!!!
ed monahanWHAT !!!! Wait a minute, are you saying Honey BOO Boo is over? Darn, I never did see it and it is gone.
GortThere's no such thing as bad advertising, Duck Dynasty is branding while the iron is hot. Look at Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus, the dumper they act the more money they make. Duck Dynasty happens to be liked by millions of people and they are very well managed. $$$$

I'll more than likely buy a couple of their guns just for the heck of it.

ibjeffDo it now.......Soon Duck Dynasty will be history and a joke. Fads come and go....make the money while you are "relevant" you won't be for long! History proves it!
Originally posted by ibjeff:
Do it now.......Soon Duck Dynasty will be history and a joke. Fads come and go....make the money while you are "relevant" you won't be for long! History proves it!

One of the best selling brands this Christmas Season, these guys are marketing geniuses! There wasn't a store I went into that didn't have something with Duck Dynasty on it. Bought several items as gifts and received many too. The Grandkids love the show and I like watching it also. I don't know of anyone I work with that didn't include something Duck Dynasty on their gift list. So at more than $400 Million in sales, I think that's far from being a joke.

beachcatAre they marketing geniuses for capitalizing on the controversy or for creating a controversy to capitalize on? If it's the latter, then it's pretty scary.
ed monahanYeah, I think they sold $ 400 million in the past month. Before that no one had heard of them. lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Yeah, I think they sold $ 400 million in the past month. Before that no one had heard of them. lol

I know Ed. I guess some people didn't but they are much more well known now. And I agree, what did this so called "controversy" have to do with the marketing already in effect? A&E are the ones that didn't know how to handle someone who will not bow to his beliefs, the Robertsons didn't do anything to stir this up, A&E did.

GortI agree. A&E is at a loss to figure out what to do about someone who won't give in to the all mighty dollar. They assumed they were dealing with typical Hollywood liberal types,they were wrong. I think these guys were happy before duck dynasty and will be happy after the their A&E series goes away.
idiveTheir guns are chipped and programmed to only shoot ducks called in by their duck calls.
GortOK...add a couple of calls to the order.
Randy CobbI understand it that Duck Dynasty is the A&E brand, where Duck Commander/Buck Commander is the Robertson family's. I'm sure with their A&E deal the Robertson's get a cut of Duck Dynasty sales.
dbudnerI'm sure there will be a duck dynasty edition pickup in the near future. I've personally never watched this show, nor honey boo boo for that matter. I am burned out seeing their junk everywhere. When you have duck dynasty chia pets you've either reached the ultimate high in merchandise marketing or you've found a way to sink to new lows in what you want to have your name associated with. To get back on the subject - I'll stick with my rock river over one of their plinkers.

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