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Topic:Driver Height
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ECurtisHey Guys,

I need help. My seventeen year old nephew wants to borrow my prowler to go on a date. He is a great driver and very responsible (even driving under the influence of a beautiful lady). He really wants to impress this girl and I want to help him. I am 6'2" tall and I know that I sometimes hit my head on the back bar of the top. However, my nephew is 6'6" and I think that he may not be about to fit and drive comfortably and safely in the car. Also I know that if it is too chilly out he and his date may not want the top down. He lives about 100 miles away and has never sat in the prowler since I got it. I do not want him to be unsafe, even if he can get in it. Also, I do not want to get his hopes up only to dash them.

Is anyone out there 6'6" tall or taller. Can you fit comfortably in the Prowler and dry it safely?



ALLEY CATI believe Wild Bill Shannon, in Canada, is around 6'6" or 7". I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I seen him get out of his Prowler.

Living Life extra large,,,,he is, lol.

ECurtisThanks Alley Cat!


Marty Usher Be sure you show your nephew how to lowert he driver seat bottom all the way down!
I'm a little over 6'5", and although I can feel my head slightly touching the roof, I'm comfortable...enough.
tangled up in BLUE17 years old and 6'6" .....hell, he shouldn't need a car to impress the girls

...my son is 6'5", approx 210lbs and he fits okay, but his vision is impaired by the windshield frame/visor....he has never liked the Prowlers because of the way they fit, but when you're 17 and got a hot chic lined up, a dog sled would be a good ride...I have always let my kids use my Kats when ever they wanted with no problems at all...hope he enjoys the evening as it will be a memory for life....you will be his favorite uncle...

YellowFeverImpress her with what? Somebody elses car? If she needs a sporty car or expensive date to be impressed with him, it's not him she's impressed with.

Now, as good a driver as he is, hopefully this doesn't involve some high school event he is going to as I remember how well (or not so well) that we all drove back then. Every car had door dings and scrapes from everyone banging into each other constantly in the parking lot.

Best of Luck!

Kruisin KatI let my brother drive mine and he is 6'-5", 230lbs and he enjoys it (who wouldn't!), but the top was always down.

I worry about the nose getting scraped or them not judging the location of the front right wheel correctly when someone drives mine. So far no problems (knock on wood).

1buddycEmail or PM Superdave in Dallas, as the last time I saw that guy he was AT LEAST 6'6". He'll know how a tall guy fits....
DrewI'd just let him know his height might be an issue, have a plan B. Or, top down, dress warm, use the heater, not many cars cooler(no pun intended) out there to show off his girlfriend in, I understand anyone wanting to drive one.
ECurtisThanks to everyone who replied. I really appreciate your contribution. I have also sent an email to SuperDave hopefully he will respond. Also, based on the comments of of those of you who are 6'5" I think he will be okay. I will let him know that the car may be a little small for him. He really would like to drive the Prowler and who wouldn't! However, I will also offer to let him drive my SSR just in case he feels uncomfortable or if I or he thinks it is not safe for him. Furthermore, I agree that if someone is impressed with a car or the expense of a date that they are not necessarily impressed with the person. However this is not about being impressed with the car or about the expense. This is about being impressed with all the trouble someone when to to make the evening special. To be able to drive around in a fantastic car, to go to dinner and sight seeing and just make the evening special. That is what this is about. Once again everyone, thanks for your contribution.

ECurtis (Eric)

SuperDaveMy reply to Eric:

I'm 6'5" and I will admit that the Prowler is a tight fit. I am quite comfortable in the Prowler with the top open, with the top down I need to scrunch down a bit to keep my head from hitting the metal parts of the top. I can drive comfortably with the exception of hitting my head occasionally unless I scrunch. For the record, I weigh 240 and have a 36" inseam, that might help "fit" your nephew...

If you can find a hard top to use while your nephew drives the car he will be much better off. The hard top gives 2-3" more headroom than the soft top. That will keep him from opening the top on his drive, but it will be much quieter and more comfortable for driver and passenger.

Please let me know how it works out!


ECurtisThanks SuperDave,

I will let you all know how it turns out!



This message has been edited by ECurtis on 03-21-2006 at 10:13 PM

1buddycDave, did you shrink since last year's Redskins-Cowboys game?? LOL!!Buddy
IM IN XTCwow that alone should be a sign... if he doesn't fit then don't drive it.. sorry I am the only driver of my Kat unless there is another Kat owner willing to drop a huge deposit to drive mine.... remembering Yellow is fast.
samthejeepmanif you are that nervous, and he must have one
tell him to rent one
i'm sure in calif, there are a few companies that rent them
either that or put a hardtop on it, and he will fit with no problem


hoo.haaaDamn you guys are tall. I'm a whopping 5'7"
pumpkin Being tall is great. I am 4ft 17 inches
DR PROWLERI now feel really short at 6'2"....

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