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Topic:Dodge Tomahawk - Currently for sale.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mcrealtyJust received my formal invitation for RM Motorsports to purchase a Dodge Tomahawk.

Last year at the Barret Jackson auction in West Palm Beach, I met the builder of the bike. I have occasionally been in contact with him checking the status of things. I guess I made a good impression as he sent me the invite. It came in a custom metal case with a plaque stating "Tomahawk" in big letters and under a logo "Tomahawk Throttle 6 of 60". Inside is the cool billet aluminum throttle from the bike. The invite is to purchase 1 of 10 ten being made.

They were closed by the time I got the package, but a little research on the net shows the original price of $250K has gone to $550K. Also now the bike is being sold as a working piece of art and not street legal. Disclaimer says not meant to be ridden.

I wonder how many have been sold yet.

This message has been edited by mcrealty on 02-13-2004 at 06:05 PM


I remember readin an article in the past few months mentioning that they woudl be selling these. in that article, they said they woudl make 10. Don't know if that number has changed.

mcrealtyThe number is still 10. Here is a response from a dealer that had tried to sell one on Ebay.

My question was: Did you sell the Tomahawk?

"No but we have a customer who is trying to raise funds to come up with the 275,000.00 down payment. There were 9 available and there are 3 left.
The firm price is $550,000.00 This piece will be worth 3 times as much in less than a year. If interested act soon."

CJAs I posted on an earlier thread last week........

The price of the Tomahawk was $550,000. Bob says that Wolfgang Bernhard indicated that he has already sold six (6) Tomahawks!!!

This message has been edited by CJ on 02-14-2004 at 08:02 AM

Originally posted by mcrealty:
The firm price is $550,000.00 This piece will be worth 3 times as much in less than a year. If interested act soon."

Hummm, how do they know it will be worth 3 times $550K in LESS THEN A YEAR??????

Why in God's name would they want to sell it for $550K now and just not wait 8 months and get $1,650,000 for it??????

Not very smart thinking or investing, considering they know the outcome in less then a year, IMO.

Sounds very fishy to me....

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