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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Dodge Cummins Diesel Recall?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Kelley AustinDoes anyone know if there was a recall on Cummins diesel injector pumps on 2000 model year 2500 Pick Up Trucks or earlier?
Dodge really screwed the pooch on this one if they didn't.
The problem is with the fuel lift pump. If this pump quits the injector pump is starved and immediately destroys it's self at a cost of about $2700.00. There is no warning light to indicate low fuel pressure so you can shut down the engine so all you have to do is replace the lift pump, much cheaper than the injector pump. A simple dummy light could have bee installed at the time of manufacture to eliminate this crap. I was passing an 18 wheeler on a two lane highway when mine went out, had a hell of a time trying to get off the highway and out of danger of on coming traffic. Boy am I P$%%$%. The people that rebuilt my pump told me they had rebuilt about 6000 pumps up until the time they stopped counting last year. This is not only costly but darn DANGEROUS!!!
Sooooo if you own one of these trucks get the low fule pressure warning light installed as soon as you can.

This message has been edited by Kelley Austin on 06-07-2007 at 10:21 AM

PaulI'm neither a diesel owner nor am I familiar with the problem but it seems as though someone ought to be reporting this to NHTSA, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Here's a link, http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/cars/problems/recalls/recallsearch.cfm

I wouldn't ordinarily encourage anyone to complicate a mechanical problem by dragging the US government into it but your story, alone, is told only because you managed not to get in trouble or killed. This kind of defect ought to be reported so someone else might be saved.

Kelley AustinI have reported this to NHSTA. I haven't receive a reply, I dout I will get one.

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