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Topic:Did your parents ever own more than one car at any given time.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI was just thinking that my Parents never owned more than one car at the same time until 1964 when they purchased a Dodge Polara and kept their 1956 Dodge. I shortly after bought the 56 from them with money I had saved and they never again owned more than one car after that. In fact neither of them had ever owned a car until after I was born. I owned my first car at 19.
Ever since I was first married in 1969, we have always owned at least two cars at the same time. Even between marriages I still owned two cars. I think it would be interesting to know if it was the same for many others. I am sure your age will have factor in the answer. I was born in 1945.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 11-03-2010 at 03:24 PM

Dave MillsI was born in 1949. My parents did not have more than one car, however we did own 4 Mack Thermodynes from when they came out until 1961. We upgraded one every other year, but always had four on the road at any one time.
Marty UsherI was born in 1952 Mom got her drivers license in 1963 when she was 34 years old. We bought my grandfathers 1951 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe that same time when he got his first Caddy - a 1961 Coupe DeVille.
alrtgMy parents almost always had two or more cars while I was growing up. The exception was when they bought their first house and needed to sell one in order to buy the house.

Since I was 18 I have always had at least two modes of transportation, sometimes up to five at a time. Currently I have four vehicles, three are tagged and insured. The fourth is in pieces awaiting the motivation from me to reassemble it.

I have never owned a car or truck newer than five years old as I would rather have two older vehicles than one new one. This way I typically have alternate transportation in the event one needs repair.

WildCatBorn in 1958, as long as I can remember Mom & Dad always had 2 cars. Mom always had the nicer car and when I was young dad always had old junky cars. But both mom & dad worked.

1st car I remember was a 53 or 54 chevy, dad would fishtail down the roads when it was slick and snow covered, LOVED IT.

we lived in an area with gravel roads and the 56 chevy was rusted so bad we had to roll the windows up when on gravel roads.

He drove an 58 Edsel for a while. 1st new car was a 61 Ford Station Wagon, he said it was junk, traded it in 64 on a 2 door hardtop Polara (not a great car for them with 4 kids)

dad would buy and sell cars & trucks so he never had anything too long.

Mom had the nicer car no matter what they owned.

She ended up with a 68 Impala convertible (cool car but dad hated it) then dad got her a 67 lincoln Conteniental

In 1980 mom got a company car and from then on they had 3 cars until right before dad passed away and he sold his car to my sister

Moms 30 year old Imperial (OK she has already gave me the title, but still hers as long as she is here) It has 15,200 miles, drove it about 50 miles yesterday to warm it up and get the stabil thru it.

At 18 I was without a car for 5 days. Sold both my cars the same day and was CAR LESS, I was in shock, looked all over central Indiana and ened up with a 72 barracuda .......LOL

At one time Sue and I have had as many as 9 registered & insured vehicles. Currently we are down to 5 cars, 1 truck, 1 motorcycle, 2 car haulers, prowler trailer and small utility trailer, then there are 2 other cars that are not registered

Larry & Sue Mayes

Marty UsherMy parents still only own one car. My Dad died in 1986 and Mom only has a one car garage!
JeraneWBEWARE, I was fifteen year old when you were born and all I could think of at that age was to get an old Ford to restore. Yes, most of the time I owned more than one vehicle at a time, and on a teacher's salary. ALRTG even chased down my old Corvair wagon after I sold it. No wonder she is a "car nut."
KrautI was born in Germany in 1947. My parents never owned car until about 6 months after we arrived in the U.S. In 1957, My dad bought a '54 Ford as his first car. They had quite a few different cars throughout their lives, but not more than one at any one time until 2 years before he died in 1995. My mom bought a Mustang then and kept it for a few years. She later traded it in on Mercury Mystique, which she still drives today at 92 years old. If you live in Cincinnati, watch out for a little old lady hot rod near Sharonville. It has the 3L 4V V6, and moves right along. She vows to keep driving till she's well past 100.
tangled up in BLUE...my mom wrecked our only car, a black 1958 Ford when I was 9 years old...we replaced it with a light blue 59 Ford shortly after..then a few months later my dad purchased a red/white 57 Ford convertible, our first 2nd car...a few weeks later he purchased another red/white 57 Ford convertible EXACTLY like the other one, now we had 3 cars...he sold one of the 57 Fords a few weeks later, made a few $$$ and so we traded the 59 Ford for a red/white 61 Chevy convertible...now, we had 2 red/white convertibles

...our first new car was a light blue 52 Ford, 2nd new car was a blue 63 1/2 Ford, then a new blue 65 Ford convertible

enzvoy born in 1955. My mother bought her first car in 1972 it was a white '64 Thunderbird fully loaded, my dad never learned to drive even though he had worked at Mercedes.
garysssMy dad did not get his license until he was 25, he is 81 now. My mom never did get hers. 2 months ago I had 9 cars, 2 trucks, Prowler Trailer and motorcycle, I sold 2 cars last month. Dad only had 1 car until about 8 years ago when we gave them one as a spare. They are back to 1 now, another one of my old ones. I still own more cars NOW, than my father has owned in his life time. My dad was never in to cars at all. I've done all his maintenance since I was 13. Mom & Dad do think it's cool that I have so many though. I got my license at 16 and have had at least 2 vehicles since I was 17 and at least 4 since I was 21.
SuperKatWow, I remember that it was a huge decision for my parents to purchase a second car. It seems to be a forgone conslusion that there would be a third once I was licensed. Probably have more cars in the garage now then my folks had in any decade.
Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
...my mom wrecked our only car, a black 1958 Ford when I was 9 years old...we replaced it with a light blue 59 Ford shortly after..then a few months later my dad purchased a red/white 57 Ford convertible, our first 2nd car...a few weeks later he purchased another red/white 57 Ford convertible EXACTLY like the other one, now we had 3 cars...he sold one of the 57 Fords a few weeks later, made a few $$$ and so we traded the 59 Ford for a red/white 61 Chevy convertible...now, we had 2 red/white convertibles

...our first new car was a light blue 52 Ford, 2nd new car was a blue 63 1/2 Ford, then a new blue 65 Ford convertible

No wonder your a Ford man.

My parents never had more then 1 car. Mom never drove. Dad tried to teach her, but gave up. Dad never let me drive, so when I was 18 I bought a 53 Chevy convertible. By the time I was in my early 20's, I had over 15 different cars. I went thru them like water. As they say, "those were the days". Sold my '59 Ford Conv't last month. Now down to 5 cars, unless a nice Viper comes along.

ed monahanMy parents didn't own a car when I was growing up. My younger brother taught my mom to drive when she was in her 40s, I would guess. She might have been 50.
CJWe only had one vehicle. My Dad liked Buicks...had many. I especially remember his white 1963 Buick Electra 225 convertible. Picture 2 adults and 6 kids!! He loved his cars. My mother didn't drive until she was 40!!

We didn't have a garage until I was about 13 when he had a one car garage built.

TLRandallDad almost always had a Chrysler and Mom mostly had some sort of Station Wagon, there were 9 kids and no Mini Vans back then!

When he retired in 1979, he got rid of everything and bought a new Cadillac Sedan de Ville. Mom kept it for about 10 years after he died, then she stopped driving and sold it a few years after that. The new owner totaled it two days later, I guess Dad didn't like him having his car!

nitrosteveI can't ever remember when we didn't have 2 cars, my Mom and Dad both worked at opposite ends of town during the same hours so it was necessary. We almost always had GM cars. Once in a while a Ford would show up in our driveway. We had an Edsel station wagon, it was as I remember a really nice car. Wish I had it now. We also had a Hudson Hornet, Henry J, and a Packard. Come to think of it I wish I had them all back.
ondoneI'm 37. Since both my parents worked, I can only assume they had two cars. They divorced when I as 8. After that both parents have only had one car.

My mother bought her first brand new car in 2007. Since the old car was paid for she kept it. She then became a 2 car owner. Last year she donated the second car. Now she's back down to one.

While married, my wife and I only had two cars. In 2005, 2 years after we moved overseas to Japan, I bought my first "extra" car. It's been almost one car every year since then.

Right now, I'm at 5. 4 of the 5 are in storage in Cali. They are my babies. #5 is an old Miata that I used as a DD in Korea (now also in Cali). I plan to build it up and race it after I retire from the military. My father will drive it until I get back to the States from Spain.

Now he has 2 cars, my mother has 1, and I have zero! :-)

Chi_Town_ProwlerWhen I came into the world, my father was driving his fire engine red 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix. He loved that car. He kept it until he traded it in on a '69 Eldorado. Back then the Caddies were really special cars.
My mother got her first new car in 1966 - a green Rambler Classic. She had nothing but trouble from that car.

But back in that time, whenever anyone got a new car, regardless of the make or model, we all had a block party to celebrate the accomplishment.

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