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Topic:Dickie/Rumble seat.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Dave HaggasAs I have access to a spare trunk lid for the Prowler, it crossed my mind as to the feasability of a small rumble seat (child size) for the Prowler.
My question is has this ever been tried before?
I am seriously thinking about this as a project for my Kat.
Any views (good and bad ) kindly accepted.
Your thoughts please Gentlemen....?
Originally posted by Dave Haggas:
As I have access to a spare trunk lid for the Prowler, it crossed my mind as to the feasability of a small rumble seat (child size) for the Prowler.
My question is has this ever been tried before?
I am seriously thinking about this as a project for my Kat.
Any views (good and bad ) kindly accepted.
Your thoughts please Gentlemen....?

I think it would be cool, don't know if it would be legal or very safe to let them ride back there.

I think the fiberglass deck lid that is being made would be the better to chop up instead of the aluminum factory one

BryceWIt would be interesting. I also agree that it may not be very safe (probably ok for parades and such).

I have had a few people ask me if my car has a rumble seat. They thought it may have one with the way the trunk slopes down.

Another idea would be to use the spare trunk lid to make an oversized prowler trailer! You just would need to build a trailer around the trunk lid! (I actually have be trying to figure out how to make a trailer since I can't afford a real one!)

If you do decide to go for it, make sure to take pictures!

KrautHere you go ............

Originally posted by Kraut:
Here you go ............

What a great pic I can almost hear her yelling WHEEEEEE!!!!!!.


ed monahanThat go cart has a lot more leg room than the real Prowler. I don't see how anyone, no matter how small, could fit inside the trunk area unless it was raised a long way. It would be cool looking, for sure.
WildBillRight away I would think you would need to mount the seat facing to the rear. This would give you more leg room as well as keep the kids heads down around or below the windshield level. I doubt it would be legal. but an interesting project idea. I agree with everyone else with not using the OEM Decklid. Fiberglass would be easier to work with too.


RADCAT RICHcute pic!
Richard JacksonHere is an idea.

[img]http://www.prow leronline.com/ubb/image_uploads/dcp_0590[1]_small_.jpg[/img]

YellowFeverDon't really see how it would be possible. There is no depth to build a seat and absolutely no room for legs (no matter how small). Then you have consider safety things like where would you mount seatbelts and would you really want your kids sitting directly over the bumper if there ever was a rear impact?

Basically, you'd have to build something that would sit on top of the decklid to give you the requisite room and that would completely take away from the lines.

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