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Topic:Denver to Co. Spgs Run
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Started up into the mountains on Hwy 285. Went through Pine and Deckers, Stopped at Zak’s Bar & Grill in Woodland Park for lunch. Met up with four good friends from Colorado Springs
**We had a parking lot all to ourselves with 14 PROWLERS> Pictures to follow….
After lunch ran into Manitou Springs and some rain, then back through Palmer Lake and home, little more rain.


firegabeIt was great!!! I again need to thank all of the Co. Kat owners for making me feel so at home
redmandude, that rocked. Is there a central location we can put the pics?
redmanI have uploaded some of the pics to the event area on the main page. Click me
If you have more pics, e-mail me them and I will get them up.

I had a total blast and can not wait till we get together again.

This message has been edited by redman on 06-27-2005 at 08:24 PM

Marty Ushernice pics - looks like everyone was havign a good time.
SirRealNow that looks like a fun time! Jeff
Marc-Colo-99Phil and Redman, wish I could have made it, looks like a great turnout. Maybe we can hook up next week in Boulder with Larry's group when I get back from Deadwood, IF
I make it back in one piece this time.
ALLEY CATMarc - aren't you due for tranny service before leaving for Deadwood??? I was right behind you the last time, lol.
CJSigh.........you're making me homesick.......wish I could have been there.......
CJMarc.......(and John) you'd better make it back in one piece.....the official rescue team won't be there this time!
Marc-Colo-99Oh man CJ, I hate flying without a safety net but am gaining more confidence after Woodward and making it home in one piece. I think JD and I have learned our lesson, although you wouldn't have known it on our scenic drive at Lake Mead/Sema 2003.
AC, absolutely no tranny service b4 the trip this time. My tranny wants to go back to it's birthplace in Rapid City. John and I may have to make a quick stop at the dealership to show 'em the potential of a Prowler.

This message has been edited by Marc-Colo-99 on 06-27-2005 at 11:09 PM

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