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Topic:Dealer found a rodent nest in my A/C Fan
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CopKatMy A/C would not blow air. So I went to the dealer and was told they took apart the Fan and found a rodent nest. Now the air blows and the smell is awful. Anyone know how I can get rid of this dead smell?
ed monahanBaking soda will absorb odors and so will charcoal. You don't want the smooth charcoal briquettes, you want the rough type, raw edges. It might take a little while.
Also you can pour some lemon scented water into the grill between the windshield and the hood, ON THE OUTSIDE of the car. That won't eliminate the odor like the other two, but will mask it some in the meantime.
I thought Naples was more upscale. lol
CopKatI think the car was stored in a Barn for years.
CopKatThe car is from Tennessee
ClayDThere's a product called Zorb-X. Its a pump spray that neutralizes odors with no scent of it's own. Might try shooting some into the ventilation intake and into the interior vents. Good stuff. I found it at Lowe's.
ed monahanI had one in my Goldwing in the air cleaner. It was running rough, to say the least.
VinceMThe Chemical Guys sell an odor eliminator + bacteria killer spray. It worked pretty good on the interior of a car that had smoke damage. http://www.chemicalguys.com/Citrus_Scent_Air_Freshener_16_oz_p/spi_105_16.htm
padrooIt's a shame they didn't spray some kind of scented disinfectant inside the plenum while I am assuming they had the fan out.
CopKatThank you all. I will try the chemicals and hope for the best.
mslc10Try this: http://www.bgprod.com/catalog/climate-control/bg-frigi-clean/

Just fixed a f150 that had blocked evaporator with grunge. Barely any airflow at all.chkd blend door and mode door to make sure they weren't broken ( popular in ford trucks). They used a big product and now it blows great ! All without the 8 hrs to drop the dash and physically clean the evaporate coil and put dash back. Very surprised!!

quincyPS.....when you store her put bounce dryer sheets under the hood everywhere, in the trunk, inside the cabin, on top of each tire, in the springs. Vermon do not like the smell of bounce dryer sheets and stay away! Cheap insurance.
CopKatThank you Quincy. I will use the sheets

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