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Topic:Dash Lights out, OR NOT?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MellowYellowI have a 2000 Yellow and I could have sworn the dash lights used to come on when the head lights were off. My mechanic looked at the wiring schematic and said my specific car is wired where the dash lights do not come on unless the headlights are ON.

Then, I test drive a 2000 Yellow and notice the dash lights do indeed come on with the headlights off?!?!

What the heck is going on......do you dash lights come on when the headlights are off??

Thanks in advance....Brian

stevedymoMaybe the car you test drove was a Canadian car whereby it had the daytime running light module. So when car is on the dash lights are on cause of the daytime running lights. JMO
MellowYellowso Steve, the US cars do not have dash lights on when the headlights are off, but the Canadian cars do?
mslc10My 2000 yellow dash lights are on at the parking light position.
ed monahanThe Canadian cars have Daylight Running Lights, DRL, and they are always on so the dashboard lights are probably also always on.
I don't KNOW that, but it seems reasonable. Someone will chime in.
ItpurrsMine has the daytime running lights and the dash lights turn on when you turn the key or start the car
Gary JDid you ever find out why your dash lights don't come on when the ignition is turned on.
I have the same problem on my 97. they were working and then They just went out. They do work when I turn the headlights on but they should also be on with the headlights off. Any help would be appreciated.
ClayDWHY do the instrument lights need to be on in daylight bright enough to have the headlights off?????? I just can't see a problem here...
alrtgBack in 2012 I discovered the headlight switch has three positions, Below is a link to that topic where I replied and a cut and paste of it. http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/020874.html posted 10-01-2012 09:48 AM..... I hope it helps your situation.

"On my 2000 Kat the headlight has one more "Detent" position than my other older cars.

If I am driving during the daylight hours with my headlights on, I can't easily see the display on the inside rear view mirror.

By turning the headlight switch to the first "click" the lights on the dash and mirror get brighter but the courtesy lights stay off.

By turning the headlight switch to the second "click" the courtesy lights are turned on.

Initially I was concerned that having the switch in the first position and leaving it there might drain the battery but it does not appear to.
Leaving the courtesy lights on when not running the car however, will eventually drain the battery."

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