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Topic:Dash Cams
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padrooHas anyone ever bought a dash cam? I have been looking and think about all the things I have missed like the Tail of The Dragon would have been nice to had that footage. With the interrior of the Prowler being so tight it has to be small and take good video. It's my experience you can usually get good video on bright sunny days but when it is dark it is a different story. I want one by the time we go to Colorado in June.

I'm sorry for the double post and I see the subject has already been taken, could be because I was thinking the same thing.

This message has been edited by padroo on 01-24-2015 at 11:24 AM

jimsuttonI have them in both cars ..
DrillinUI have one, that has an input for a back-up camera.

I have it mounted on the passenger upper corner windshield.
It records both sides ( front and back )

Also make sure it can record at night.

CCJI have my Prowler outfitted with 4 DR600G-HD's. They're great at night.
WildCatI don't have one but have been thinking about it

One guy I know has a gopro hero 3 and says it is great. Not really a dash cam but a high quality sports type video camera

What I have read is a real dash cam will come on when the car starts and moving. And some I have read about doesn't sound like they record continuously.

The is a lot of cameras out there and a big price range.

So any recommendations would be great

SuperKatThinking about one as well and doing some research. one concern I have is mounting and visibility of the camera itself.

Seems like the last thing you want if intending to monitor activity around or in the car in addition to driving is a camera right on the dash with a red light when recording. Some appear to mount on the rear view mirror.

any thoughts or recommendations will be appreciated.

padrooIt looks like most are mounted behind the rear view mirror with either a suction cup on double sided tape. They all seem to have long power cords so the wire can be ran along the top of the windshield toward the passengers side and down along the window and under the edge of the dash and then plugged into a power port.
DrillinUThat's exactly how I have mines, on the edge of the windshield, tucked in the edge of the dash and running under passenger side dash into power source.

Originally posted by padroo:
It looks like most are mounted behind the rear view mirror with either a suction cup on double sided tape. They all seem to have long power cords so the wire can be ran along the top of the windshield toward the passengers side and down along the window and under the edge of the dash and then plugged into a power port.

FastLaneMy Camera

ed monahanThis shows how they come in handy at times.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 02-12-2015 at 09:13 PM

enzvoyhere is an inexpensive solution

Transcend DrivePro 200 1080p

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