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Topic:Da Vinci Code
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MissKittyWhat's with the big controversy ? I don't understand what the fuss is all about. If you don't like the subject matter of the movie - don't go see it !
I read the book. It was very entertaining, but that does not mean that I agree or disagree with it.
Thoughts anybody ?


halicatNikki is reading it now and only has 20 pages left... she says its good....

the movie was termed as "a Bloated Puzzle" by one of the critics....

ed monahanI read the book and thought some of it was a little far fetched. It is well written and interesting but not totally believable. I agree about the controversy, who cares. If you don't want to see it, don't plop down your money. Stay home.
The Catholic church is worried about its image. I would say the image has been tarnished quite a bit in the past 5 years. (I went 12 years to Catholic school, actually finished the 9th grade, lol so I am not Catholic bashing by a Protestant, Jew, etc.)
Marty UsherIt is a work of fiction just like many other books that have been made into movies. Star Wars has it fabs and detractors - the movies were entertaining to a lot of people but most understand it is fiction.

There have been a number of details that are "not quite" factual that have been included in the Da Vinci Code. I think the fear among some in the Catholic Church and Christian Faiths is that a number of people will think it is based on fact and accept it as the truth.

ALLEY CATI'm going to wait until about 20 of you see the movie, and give your opinions before I go see it. I don't read novel books,,,,as I spend too much time reading car stuff info and political articles.
Marty UsherLarry - I heard they have a version sub titled in Spanish,
DUSTIBeing raised a catholic I can say the DO have some major issues and DID a lot of cover-ups over the centuries, most
recently (as y'all may remember) the "priest issues"

I have lost MY faith in the catholic church a loooong time ago.

A friend of mine who is italian and studied in Rome for quite some time told me that the Catholic church DOES have some 'stuff' buried and locked up at the vatican that would prove devastating to them if EVER revealed ..........

Originally posted by MissKitty:
don't go see it !

That is definitely my intention!

I have wasted my hard earned money on many things in my life. Tickets to this movie will not be one of them.

Good luck to anyone that wants to go see it. I will just sit back and lurk on all the opinions. Sorry...no comments from me on this controversial movie. I know where my heart is and always will be.


PanteraI read the book and I thought it was very entertaining. I was raised Catholic and I do not take any offense with a fictional book. I do take offense with priests that molest little boys.....Rather than protesting movies they should protest sexual predators that hide behind the church. Just my .02
Kruisin KatI'll see it when it comes out on DVD, for the entertainment.

I can't see how a movie from Hollywood would hurt my faith in God.

Originally posted by Pantera:
I read the book and I thought it was very entertaining. I was raised Catholic and I do not take any offense with a fictional book. I do take offense with priests that molest little boys.....Rather than protesting movies they should protest sexual predators that hide behind the church. Just my .02


Originally posted by Pantera:
I read the book and I thought it was very entertaining. I was raised Catholic and I do not take any offense with a fictional book. I do take offense with priests that molest little boys.....Rather than protesting movies they should protest sexual predators that hide behind the church. Just my .02

exactly !

Originally posted by Pantera:
I read the book and I thought it was very entertaining. I was raised Catholic and I do not take any offense with a fictional book. I do take offense with priests that molest little boys.....Rather than protesting movies they should protest sexual predators that hide behind the church. Just my .02

I agree and don't forget, it's not only the catholic church that has these predators. It just makes better press. I was raised catholic and went to a catholic school as well. In the south in the late 60s and 70s I can only say I heard enough of the other "righteous" bible thumping faiths hacking catholics then going right out and doing worse things. I'll probably try to read the book, although someone told me to read the first book the guy wrote as a lead in to this one.

Tytanium-KThis is NOT the first book/movie to propose Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene & that he had kids! Believe what you want to believe! I heard this over 10 years ago, so the movie (which evil elf & I saw today) didn't surprize or shock us at all. And we both enjoyed it!
BeWareWe saw the movie yesterday. We did enjoy it and we never found ourselves to be bored as the critics said. In fact I found it to be very interesting. The movie did not even seem like 2.5 hours long. Usually if the critics hate a movie the general public will love it and it will do well. All the showings (it was on about 8 screens) were being sold out.

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