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T O P I C     R E V I E W
MIKE GATLINI know they sold the corporate sponsership but don't know to whom.

Reason apparently is to help support some of the cities along Woodward that have been losing money on the event.

Marty UsherEaton is title sponsor. Check here for information:

As to why - my guess is $$$$

This message has been edited by Marty Usher on 03-03-2006 at 02:20 PM

ed monahanI think Eaton sponsored it the past couple of years. Their name was prominent on the signs but did not really change anything as far as the event.
katmatA few friends & I are looking at attending the event this year. I have a prowler & the other guys will be bringing other vehicles. Is there a prowler display area or a time when they cruise together? thanks, Matt Murphy
kat hunter
Originally posted by katmat:
A few friends & I are looking at attending the event this year. I have a prowler & the other guys will be bringing other vehicles. Is there a prowler display area or a time when they cruise together? thanks, Matt Murphy

This link should answer some of your question about events at last years dream cruise.


This message has been edited by kat hunter on 03-03-2006 at 05:23 PM

quincyGM pulled out last year and that cost the locals $50K. Woodward will still be Woodward, but because of cost cuts you may see less police and EMS presence.
Marty Usher
Originally posted by quincy:
GM pulled out last year and that cost the locals $50K. Woodward will still be Woodward, but because of cost cuts you may see less police and EMS presence.

Less police would mean Marc may consider going back again!

Marc-Colo-99Marty, exactly my thought when I first read that post. But I think I learned my lesson on burnouts and karioke during Dream Cruise.
SimonsezMarc. It wouldn't be the same without "raining men". If you come remember to bring along some Prowler "goodies" to give the cops so you don't get a ticket.
CJLook for some info on Dream Cruise later this evening.

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