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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mikeallanEngland again - Mike here
I wonder if they built any right hand drive prowlers?
any one seen any ?
Any British owners here - luv to hear from any
I rekon the prowler is as rare as rocking horse poo
in UK. ?
dbudnerThere was an Australian prowler that an owner converted. It looked great but I know it took a lot of effort and some $$.
ALLEY CATDown Under:

When will you people learn to drive on the left [right] side?


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....
Y2K Silver Millennium Edition and '01 Orange Rolex Edition

Larry Salzman - Phx/Mesa, Arizona

2K1OrangeCheck the Australian prowler topic, I brought it back to the top. I meant to reply here but replied to the wrong topis....

Looks like AC posted the pic for you.

mikeallanLooks like a BIG NO then !
oh well, I suppose its no different for me than
driving my SLK (right hand drive) around Europe?
CJNo, there were no production right hand drive Prowlers... only conversions.
OrangeHere's an orange kat that got converted in new zealand:

SirRealThat fooks lunny
CJIs that what happens when you put it in reverse!
Mike KrehelWOW, that puppy is going over 150MPH standing still!!! LOL
Originally posted by Mike Krehel:
WOW, that puppy is going over 150MPH standing still!!! LOL

um, yeah, they still had issues with getting the speedometer to work right after the conversion....the thing went crazy.................

Rpowell593I think it looks cool with the right hand drive. Just imagine all the people that come up to your prowler now that don't know what it is. They'd think it was an import from Europe for sure. LOL

This message has been edited by carbuff on 06-09-2006 at 12:46 AM

Originally posted by carbuff:
The orange car is NOT a conversion. Someone only took a mirror image with Photoshop.

No way..... is that what he did? EVIL!!!!!!!!!!

KiwirodgerAnd now for the real New Zealand RHD car. I know because I am the owner and it is the only street registered Prowler in the country. It is a 99 red not an orange and from the picture you will spot the clues to a genuine RHD conversion. Hand brake still original, bezel around the radio/heater and the gear change still in the original position. Instrument tunnels shortened to bring the gauges forward and turned and a million other alterations you can't see. Cost a bomb, took over 350hrs work and not a job for the faint hearted. Worked out well however and only a genuine Prowler owner would spot the difference. [img]http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/image_uploads/PPP/prowlnz.jpg[/img
KiwirodgerBoy do I have fun trying to post pictures. I'll try again
robbiebThat has to suck with the CD changer behind your back. I can't hardly stand to sit in the passenger seat because of it.
Ed W.
Originally posted by robbieb:
I can't hardly stand to sit in the passenger seat because of it.

Can I take some time to think about that statement?

(Just having some fun with it. I know what you meant.)

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