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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:DEA chief: Comey 'spot on' linking Ferguson impact to crime surge
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareYou can send your note of appreciation for the crime escalation to Obama, DOJ and Eric Holder.

Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY

WASHINGTON — The nation's top drug enforcement official said Wednesday that FBI Director James Comey was "spot on'' when he recently offered the controversial assessment that violent crime surges in some cities may be linked to police officers' reluctance to engage suspects.

"I think there is something to it,'' Drug Enforcement Administration chief Chuck Rosenberg told reporters, referring to the so-called "Ferguson-effect'' in which police have been reportedly hesitant to act for fear of prompting the kind of civil unrest that engulfed Ferguson, Mo., last year. "I think (Comey) was spot on.''

Comey's remarks during appearances last month in Chicago put the FBI director at odds with some in law enforcement and the White House, which indicated that existing evidence did not support such a claim.

"I will say that the available evidence at this point does not support the notion that law enforcement officers around the country are shying away from fulfilling their responsibilities,'' White House spokesman Josh Earnest said last week. "On the contrary, I think you’ve seen a lot of local law enforcement leaders indicate that police officers and sheriffs and other local law enforcement officials are actually dedicated public servants who on a daily basis are putting their lives on the line to serve and protect the communities that they’re assigned to.''

The FBI director has acknowledged that data is lacking to support a definitive conclusion, yet he said that he maintained a "strong sense'' of a connection based on reports from local law enforcement officials.

Rosenberg, who served as Comey's chief of staff before his May appointment as acting DEA administrator, said he has heard similar concerns from local law enforcement officials.

"I've heard the same things,'' Rosenberg said. "I think it's worth talking about. I don't know if it will turn out to be right or wrong. That's why Comey called for better data. The data that we have is limited. It just is.''

Of the disagreement voiced by the White House, Rosenberg said: "The White House is a building, so I'm not sure what the White House thinks,'' Rosenberg said, adding that he believed Comey's remarks were "thoughtful and measured.''

"When you get criticized from the right and the left, you probably hit it just about perfectly,'' he said.

For months, law enforcement officials have been grappling with the possible causes of recent spikes in violent crime plaguing some major cities — Baltimore, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Louis among them — even as crime in much of the country has been in a sustained decline.

Last month, Attorney General Loretta Lynch hosted a meeting to address the issue where representatives of at least 20 cities cited poverty, heroin addiction and easy access to firearms as likely triggers. Others also voiced frustration that an erosion of public support for officers was having an effect on the way communities were being policed.

"We also cannot avert our gaze from the fact that police in cities feel like they are not being supported by the federal government,'' Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn said and referred to a recent federal focus on the operations of more than 20 police agencies in recent years prompted by allegations of officer misconduct. "Right now, officers feel like they are being defined by everything they are working against.''

"Every incident, regardless of where it happens, they are made to feel they must answer for,'' the chief said. "It's hurting them. National policing policy is being driven by random YouTube videos.''


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