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Topic:Custom Fenders - One Way to Make Them
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
KrautI've created some fenders for my Mini Prowler. My last update showed the fender brackets without fenders. I now have the fender blanks mounted, and all that remains is to cover them with fiberglass.

I used some very thin and light weight perforated aluminum. this stuff is good, because you can lay up fiberglass on both sides of it and it will bond to itself right through the little holes. It makes for a really solid piece when it's all done. I used this process on the sides of the car, where I closed up the large openings around the front axles.

The hard part is behind me. the following are some pictures of the process used to make them:



SirRealThis level of ingenuity is a pleasure to view. I would love to read your bio. Hats off to you and keep up the incredible work. WOW!
99prowler99I second that. That is awesome to see. I wish I had that much talent and ingenuity to be able to do that. You have a gift. I am totally jealous.
ed monahanKraut, I lost one bolt out of my lawn mower so I junked it and bought a new one. lol
Outstanding, as always.
idiveI like it! Very nice! You're getting pretty good with that fiberglass. I think you were just getting into it about a year and a half ago or so, right? I like your ideas.
garysssGreat Job !!
toysRainer to mirror what I have said before about you on these project's of your's

You sir are an Old School Craftsman, Everything i've seen you do is nothing less than aircraft quality.

You continue to amaze me


cmblockhusOne man with so much talent, it is always a pleasure to see what your upto, keep posting.

block buster

enzvoyincredible talent, very impressive
DFOTOPROAnd he makes it LOOK so easy...if I had one tenth the talent I would be one happy old man
Nice to see the talent on display


KrautThanks for all the nice comments guys. This has been a pretty time consuming hobby for me, but then what else have I got to do. I tell Sandy, "it keeps me out of the bars at night".

Even though this is a hobby for me now, I've been designing and building stuff my entire life. I enjoy doing it, even though it's sometimes more work than I had bargained for.

Let me know when these kind of posts are getting to be boring or otherwise unwelcomed. Until then, I will keep doing it. It's part of the hobby.

Your adventures and projects are never boring! Are you sure you want to 'retire'? We sure could utilize your God given talents here at General Motors!
007^ Please never stop posting these threads. I learn by watching what you do. I, like everyone else, am amazed with your creations and how you make them. Thank you for taking the time to document your work.

I am retired. But if Ford ever stops sending me pension checks, I may take you up on your offer to come to GM. The curent market situation has beaten up my 401K pretty badly, but I'm hoping it will recover some day. Fortunately, I don't really need it right now.

Cool Cat 1Kraut, What a Awesome job your doing on the cart, Keep up the good work. I'm so blessed to have your Prowler, Me and Jerri thank you every time we get the thumbs up from other drivers, my jaw never stops hurting while we drive her. Please tell Sandy we said Hi. AL & Jerri DA CAT 97.........

I'm glad you're enjoying the car. Sometimes, I must admit, I do miss her. I may have to get another one some day, but for now, it's just not in the cards.

I stand in awe You are the MAN.
"Boring" , "Unwelcome" should NEVER be associated with your work Please don't ever stop !
BeWareYou are an artist.
Dale BeamanWOW !

Nice Work!

RADCAT RICHAmazing talent
prowlrmanGerman Engineering at it finest...and working for 31 years in VW Engineering, I know this quality of engineering excellence and craftsmanship is a German trait passed on thru generations.


Dead End DonKRAUT, YOU ARE A F%^*$ING GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!

What a great fabrication technique - fricking BRILLIANT!!!!

My '69 Triumph Trophy 500 is in Earl Kane's bike shop for a "bobber" conversion, and I haven't found a fender I like yet....

I'm going to try and fabricate something with your technique. Of course, NOTHING will EVER be as nice as that blue Bonnie of yours...

Thanks for the tip and photos!!!!! This is SO useful.

ed monahanYou ought to see what he can do to bakery goods !!!
His dad owned a bakery here in Cincy for years.
All of his work is first class.

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