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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Crazy mod idea
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
xpguyOkay, here goes. I have done a pretty good search here and have found no one that has tried this mod yet. Some people have suggested someone do this, but I have yet to see any serious attempt. Since my last idea for a bubble top was not very warmly accepted, I wonder how this will go.

I want to explore putting in a rumble seat. Now I know there is very limited room back there, but the seat does not have to fit someone my size. But certainly there should be enough to put a kid in there?

Has anyone actually drawn up any plans? I am not claiming ownership or patent rights or copyright ownership of this mod. But if anyone has fiddled with this idea, I am very interested in hearing your thoughts. PM or email is fine if you do not want to post online.


ALLEY CATGuy - to provide any leg room, even for small kids, what would you do with the gas tank and transaxle in the trunk area??? Ed wanted to build a side-car for Sandy to ride in, so he could take both her and his golf clubs along, lol.
Bob GoetzHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Looked at it and have an idea, think I can make it work, but at $2700 for a deck lid before I cut it up is it worth it.
Wayne FinchI have thought about it and looked into it a bit. There isn't enough room for a traditional rumble seat. You may be able to do it by sitting up significantly higher.

Also I was told they are illegal now but I don't know that for sure

WildCatI thought about this when I 1st got the car.

I think it would look more like the Beverly Hillbilly truck if it was done. The gas tank is too high in the car to make any room for legs.

The other idea about the trailer, I know is illegal in Indiana to ride in a trailer.

I thought about making a photo trailer with a seat like in a fishing boat for parades and slow moving cruises. This would also be questionable but during parades they overlook some safety/legal issues.

RADCAT RICHIf you put in a FIVE GALLON tank, i bet you could do it, or if you only show your car and dont drive it , case closed, you could do it, BUT WHY?

I wish there was one also, Rumble seats are cool!


I love your model A, it is almost identical to mine(same colors). Is it a 32? i don't have travel trunk on the back. Great idea with the rumble seat, but I don't know how the legality with transporting someone in it. Good Luck.

halicatshouldn't be any problem....
you could hold the gas tank in one hand... and the transmission in the other....
Jim Cxpguy, Saw your picture, I saw a trunk at Toms Farm in Corona Ca. off the 15 frwy, small enough to fit on the PT rack, it was stained dark brown with black strapping and had the old style travel tags or stamps if you will, from different countries looked really neat.
It was one of those made to look like an antique from china or some where in the far east. cost was a little over $20.00. Didn't seem like it would be water proof but you probably could seal it. Didn't buy it still looking, rather have black.

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