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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Crack in rear fender near tail light -Has anyone else had a problem?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Larry LordI have what I consider to be a fatigue crack in my rear fender near the inside lower corner of the tail light.
I seem to recall a few people having this problem but I cannot remember who.

My dealer is willing to help but the zone rep said no dice to warranty repairs since he had never heard of this problem.

I need to get some back-up information.
Can you help me?

butchceegood luck larry
ASHEVILLE-KAT Here's a couple of threads from 2001, 2002 & 2004...



catfishmine never cracked.after purchase and doing a polish,on the rr.fenders i could hear a creaking noise,when i applied a little pressure on them.heres the fix,2001 nissan frt,fender lower braces are a perfect fit,w/just a little bending and drill one hole in the rear pan on the side underneath the fender.no more creaking or what could have been a crack from vibration.the cracks are coming from the vibration of the rear fender at the tailight area.goodluck.


toysfrom what i have seen if you over tighten the tail light bolts when you install rear mud flaps or if you just over tighten the tail light bolts you will get the same crack.
A buddy of mine fender cracked one day after installing his rear mud flaps he said he heard a crack when he torqued the bolts and then noticed the crack the next day.
When he took it to the dealer for repair his prowler tech told him it was from over tightening the tail light bolts something he had done himself to his own prowler.


ThunderMany cats have had this problem.
Larry LordThanks to everyone for the help.
99prowler99Same crack also. Let us know what you find out.
catfishi dont think the crack is coming from overtighting the tailight.hard to believe that one.ill bet that many of the ones that are cracked have never had the t/light nuts loose.


BradleyGLarry, You better get that crack fixed or the whole tail light may fall off like mine did. I did have the mudflap installed, but I don't think that had any effect on the cracking.

This was my fix, but it is very expensive.

Sorry if it isn't very funny. I'm just learning how to post pictures.
The WonderBar works great on the new BT. I knew I should keep it. Thanks again.

Larry LordBradleyG,
You made me laugh.
That sort of fix may be a little out of my budget range but I'll keep it in mind.
Glad to hear you like your Wonder Bar and I'm very happy to see you found a car to put it on.

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