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Topic:Couple more setbacks,,, Im getting used to them!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TLRandallThe silver M&L Delivery Top project has sat stalled for the fall and winter months. We are nearly complete with all the repairs on the house, the big garage, and the other outbuildings that were significantly damaged during the hail and windstorm several months ago. That took a lot of focus away from other projects, in addition to money. I do need to salute Allstate insurance for really stepping up to the plate to get us whole again. Thank God all the vehicles were inside at the time. All I could do is watch the security cameras while out of town and hope that the garage builder did a good job, which he did.

As far as progress on the project, the painter proposed a design that I hated, and he would not budge. So that was another issue. Thought we had the rear window ready to be built, but a couple of the glass places said they couldn’t do the curve, one that committed to doing it is just too busy with other hot rod projects.
Hopefully with spring near, I can refocus time, effort, and money.

garysssGlad your getting back to normal Tom. Good luck moving forward again with the Prowler.
TLRandallI spoke to a glass shop in Austin Texas that specializes in hot rods and customs this morning and he is going to come out to The Garage the first week of April to take a look at the curve for the back liftgate window as well as the rubbers needed for that glass, the liftgate seal, and the side windows. He will probably use a windshield with the same curvature to cut the glass from, and also wants to explore the rear glass from a VW bug. He said that the chance of cutting down the existing rag top rear window without shattering the tempered glass is probably slim to none.

Hoping to get past this stage so that we can get back to paint planning.

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