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Topic:Conner Ave plant re-opening
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JRL http://automotive.speedtv.com/article/autos-2013-viper-joins-srt-brand
EssexExportLike what are they thinking? Will the average person know what SRT is?
CJHow many Viper owners say "I own a Dodge Viper"? or do they say "I own a Viper"? How many owners say "I own a Plymouth Prowler or Chrysler Prowler"? or do they say "I own a Prowler"?

Viper will always be Viper regardless if it is a Dodge or SRT! It is still the coolest........except for Prowler of course.

garysssThe above average person who wants a Viper will and that's really all that matters.
padrooNon car people don't get it. What's bad is when you go into an automotive parts store and tell them you want a new air filter for a Rivera and they say, who makes that? duh! The moral of this story is "don't assume".
ed monahanAbout 6 years ago I was trying to repo an Altima. The woman at work called me and said they were also trying to repo an Olds LeSabre from the same person. I told her that was really a rare auto. Most of the the LeSabres were Buicks. She then said maybe it was a Chrysler. I told her that was probably a LeBaron and I might need more specific info if they really wanted me to look for it.
It was a Buick LeSabre and I got both cars at the same time about a week or two later.
Marty UsherWhen I eventually buy a Viper, rest assured it will be a Dodge Viper!! Marketing people, especially auto industry marketing people, always think their newest idea is the greatest. Hopefully the new Viper won't stray too far from the roots of the original Viper and become toooo European. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come out with - hopefully, no matter what the brand name - it will be an awesome car!
ed monahanIn just a couple of months it will 10 years already since the last Prowler was produced there. That is hard to believe. Time sure flies.

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