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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Congress stocks they invested in
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

The money channel said they had a poll of what members of Congress actually invested their money in as far as stocks.

Guess what was the number one stock? Smith and Wessen fire arms. Their stock has risen 900% this year according to that channel. Maybe Obama is giving Congress a raise by talking about limiting guns. I know Gander mountain and Bass Pro has standing room only at the firearms counters.

Are we smart enough to get in on this?

mslc10oln- powder,ammo
spwh- smith wesson
rgr- ruger
cab- cabelas
oa- space defense etc.
swhc- sportsmans warehouse

go to google finance page , type in abbreviations.

Originally posted by mslc10:
oln- powder,ammo
spwh- smith wesson
rgr- ruger
cab- cabelas
oa- space defense etc.
swhc- sportsmans warehouse

go to google finance page , type in abbreviations.

Bing is better...try it

ed monahanI was wondering where you found all of those fascinating links. lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I was wondering where you found all of those fascinating links. lol

Comcast has the money channel. Pretty good tips.

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-07-2016 at 09:51 PM

Me Time 2From what I looked up S&W has gone up, nicely I'll add but not 900%.

1 yr ago it was at $10, today it's about $24. A very nice return but not near 900%.

Originally posted by Me Time 2:
From what I looked up S&W has gone up, nicely I'll add but not 900%.

1 yr ago it was at $10, today it's about $24. A very nice return but not near 900%.

I noticed that ,I wonder why they say 900 percent myself.

The 5 yr graph shows from $3 to over $24,maybe that's the 900 percent number. If it went from 3 to 6 that would be a 100% gain..right?

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-08-2016 at 08:39 AM

BeWareFrom another post I made.

After Obamas announcement I heard that Smith & Wesson stock jumped 11%, In the past year their stock has increased 125% and that their stock has risen 808% since Obama became President in 2008. Other gun company's have experienced similar.


This message has been edited by BeWare on 01-08-2016 at 09:24 AM

Originally posted by BeWare:
From another post I made.

After Obamas announcement I heard that Smith & Wesson stock jumped 11%, In the past year their stock has increased 125% and that their stock has risen 808% since Obama became President in 2008. Other gun company's have experienced similar.


That must be what they are talking about.

Originally posted by Gort:
Bing is better...try it


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