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Topic:Congratulations Embe !!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DUSTIAnd Welcome to Married life !!

Just learned that fellow Alabama Prowler Owner EMBE
tied the knot with his Mrs.

Congratulations guys, best of wishes from NORTH Bama !!


embeThanks Dustis...
I'm fairly new here so I would not have made a topic out of it.

However, I feel very blessed to have found "the one":

Unfortunately the Prowler was not at hand when we got married. But we'll try to make a little "honeymoon cruise" and join the ride through the Smokies.
We're looking forward to getting to know some of you personally, as I experience this forum and its people to be a great community we'd like to get to know better!

We're looking forward to what's to come!


Ron RobbCongratulations!!
ALLEY CATMichael and the new bride - CONGRATS!!

May you live in happiness your entire lives,,,and with the Prowler, ENJOY life to the fullest

Larry & Lethia


Call 911 - there is a Prowler in my garage....
Y2K Silver Millennium Edition and '01 Orange Rolex Edition

Larry Salzman - Phx/Mesa, Arizona


Congratulations to you both!!! May you both share years of happiness together. At times marriage can be hard...but it's definitely worth it.



Congratulations to you and your new bride. May you have a long and happy life together. My wife and I have been married for 38 years and been together for 40. I wouldn't trade her for anyone.

BTW, that picture doesn't look like Alabama. It looks more like Utah.


embeThanks you all!

the picture is actually in Nevada. We got married in the Valley of Fire!
(We thought that's appropriate )

But close to Utah!


Tytanium-KYes, congrats n welcome! You'll hafta join me n Dusti n whoever else next time we dine at "The Dragon" in B'ham! Only 40+ miles for y'all...over 100 for us coming from Montgomery...Dusti from Ider...others comin' from JawJaw, and around, etc. Welcome to our nightmare! LOL


embeLet us know when and we'll be there!
Or already on the Smokies trip??
Bcoffman Gray Ghost
Originally posted by TooHipCat:

At times marriage can be hard...but it's definitely worth it.


Like the time between the marriage ceremony and DEATH. LOL

Originally posted by Bcoffman Gray Ghost:
Like the time between the marriage ceremony and DEATH.

G/Ghost - you could have chosen to remain celibate or moved to the Neverland Valley Ranch

Originally posted by Bcoffman Gray Ghost:
Like the time between the marriage ceremony and DEATH. LOL

halicatthe only advice i can give you now that its to late is ....

never let her see you having fun... cause if she does, she will put an end to it....

simply put... lights off during sex.

this will be important to remember as you get older...for both of you... lol

congrats and best wishes !

DR PROWLEROne of my good friends told me..."I'm happily married........maning I'm married and she's happy"!

Very best of luck to you guys!

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