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Topic:Company Car Show
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
quincyTomorrow, 01Jul05, our company is having an employee car show. They are even fitting the bill for hot dogs, chips, pop, and ice cream. The visitors parking lot will be shut down for all the registered participants. I have registered my 99 Prowler. This will be an interesting event since I work for GMPT and 99.9% of the show cars are sure to be GM badged. I am proud of my Prowler but a tad concerned of vandalism or who knows what else! I'll let you know how the event turns out!
Lone Ranger
Lets hope nobody gets stupid. Good luck in the show!

I retired from Ford with 31 years of service. I am also invited to attend numerous employee car shows every year from the various Ford locations I had association with over the years. In the last few years I've taken the Prowler to the mostly Ford shows, and it always gets a lot of attention. I've never had anyone appear to be upset that I brought a non-Ford product. In fact they love it.

Enjoy the show.

Kevin A
Originally posted by quincy:
99.9% of the show cars are sure to be GM badged.

Which makes me think they will LOVE to see a Prowler. GM has some great cars, but how many Camaros and Vettes can you look at at one time?

Enjoy and Good Luck!


quincyCar show just finished! About 70% GM products, but lots of Fords, Chryslers, and others. One other Prowler at the event! Dark blue 2002 with a very nice hard top! I don't know the person who ownes it. Best of show, was a 1912 Brush.....very old, un-restored, but ran! Also, a V-16 Yukon Proto-type. The care taker started it up several times, what a rush. 1,000 horse power, 1,005 lb./ft torque! Only issue I had is lots of hand and finger prints on the hood and rear deck.

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