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Topic:Colo. Prowlers at Comedy Works
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
onecatnodogHi all! Got to hang out with the Colorado Prowler club as they saved Susan my wife's Birthday. My wife Susan is the total opposite of me.. She is sweet, kind, thoughtful and quiet.. Me, John(onecatnodog) I am up front, to the point, (gets me in trouble) and LOUD! Well Susan and I have been going to Graduation's, Anniversary's, Birthdays for the last three months for some of her long time friends. So I picked up some Comedy Works tickets and called her friends to invite them, along with my Prowler Buddies.. Her four best friends all said they would go and of course my Prowler buddies said yes also. The day of her party on Monday I get a call from not one but all four of her friends and they CANCELED... One, in my opinion had a good excuses, her mother was loosing a leg to a operation because of Diabetics... So I will buy that.. But the other three it was Total B.S. This isn't the first time that they have pulled this crap... I call them the ONE WAY FRIENDS.. On the way there I saw her tear up and she said that she wouldn't have any friends there to enjoy her birthday night with and that it would be just my car buddies... Boy was she wrong! The Prowler Club can sure make you feel wanted (and not just by the police). Long story short not only did they give her cards, some even bought her drinks, sang happy Birthday to her, and after words her plan earlier was to go straight home. But changed her mind after we crossed the street. So back over we went and the gang took us to the market for more drinks and some food, and a lot of TALK... But most of all FRIENDSHIP... You see Prowler People are not just CAR BUDDIES.. There life time friends, the cars are just a bonus. Thanks Guys for showing my wife Susan a Super Time.. About half way home she turned to me and said, I think that this car has changed my life, and I replied it did mine. She said she thought that the Tulsa event was just a fluke about how nice the people were.. But these Prowler people treat me like I'm something special.. I said that's because you are. You won't find any other group like them, I know I have been into car clubs for over 30 years. Thanks guys, here is some pictures from that night... onecatnodog...
onecatnodog Marg, she is standing far left and is Grants wife. Susan she is leaning over and is my wife (onecatnodog) Cathy and Russell, Carter, Steve and Glennis in this picture.......
onecatnodogMe and Susan, Having fun on here Birthday... Prowler Style!
onecatnodogLamier Street for Food, Drinks and FUN after laughing our tails off... Turned out to be a great night... Thanks! Just look at those SMILES... Truly a Happy Ending
1buddycWell, John let me wish Susan a Big Happy Birthday from your Texas cousin!
onecatnodogLooks as if we have 4 months covered for the Super Model with a Prowler Calendar... To Funny Guys, To Bad Your Not GAL'S.. But I can still say that I'm Glad to Know Ya.. Great Birthday Gift for Susan... It will start her day of with a laugh.. Thanks, onecatnodog
onecatnodogThanks Buddy C. You by chance don't have a Picture of you and your wife... Maybe from the Tulsa Event....Thanks, John(onecatnodog) COLLINS same as you...
DanManHappy Birthday Susan!!!

Marty UsherHappy birthday Susan!!

You all in Colorado are just having TOOOOOO much fun!

BeWareHappy Birthday Susan
gadsterhappy birthday susan!!!
SirRealWell Susan so far you have received Birthday Wishes from the Great States of Texas,New Jersey,Kentucky,Georgia and now Maryland so you can tell three out of four of your best friends ' cause we got ya covered!


This message has been edited by SirReal on 06-27-2007 at 04:39 PM

onecatnodogThank-You all for making her feel special... I was special when I was younger and I guess that's why I had to ride the small bus... Thanks again, John(onecatnodog)Collins
SnomanAnd Wisconsin,,,,,,HAPPY BIRTHDAY Susan again!!!!

Jack and Chromer wishing "SuperSusan" a very special Birthday! Looks like you had a Great time at the Comedy Club.

Consider yourself hugged..Your buddy's Jack and Chromer


jjprowlerHappy 22nd Birthday from florida Susan
IM IN XTCThanks a ton guys sorry we had to split but had kids and babysitters . Look forward to 4th July run

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