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Topic:Cold Air Intake and PCM
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

Looking for an easy way to get a little extra horsepower from my 97' to get closer to the 99' and newer horsepower. I was thinking a combination of cold air intake and PCM/ECM upgrade.

Has anyone tried either of these. Would appreciate thoughts and recommendations of products. I am not trying to go crazy with power just get a little extra for relatively low costs.


BeWare http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/005551.html

I have a aftermarket CAI, but I don't know if it really does any good. The stock air filter draws air from the door jam area. You might do just as well with a K&N air filter. But the stock air filter box can be difficult to get open. The only CAI that I have heard of that really seem to function were some home grown ideas that draw air from out side the car.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 07-24-2017 at 09:01 AM

Nick00800Thanks Beware. I am assuming that is sounds a little better but that is it.
ed monahanI have a 97 and have had two 99s in the past. I have a 2001 and a 2002. I don't feel any difference in any of them as far as acceleration. You probably will be wasting your money on the CAI and the PCM.
Get gears to get some bang for your buck.
Other opinions will vary, of course.
dbudnerI had a CAI and had no measurable difference in the seat. I ended up putting the stock air box back with a K&N.
Marathonservice1I have done all of the upgrades that have been mentioned and the only REAL difference in performance came from changing the gears!!

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