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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerChutzpah is a Yiddish word meaning gall, brazen nerve, effrontery, sheer guts plus arrogance;

It's Yiddish and, as Leo Rosten writes, no other word and no other language can do it justice.

This example is better than 1,000 words...


A little old lady sold pretzels on a street corner for 25 cents each..

Every day a young man would leave his office building at lunch time, and as he passed the pretzel stand, he would leave her a quarter, but never take a pretzel.

And this went on for more then 3 years.

The two of them never spoke.

One day, as the young man passed the old lady's stand and left his quarter as usual,the pretzel lady spoke to him.

Without blinking an eye she said:

"They're 35 cents now."

I'm not jewish,,,,but I like her approach!

catfishtypical jew.


alrtgHey now, don't bad mouth those people.
After all if it wasn't for a couple of them fighting over pennies, we would not have copper wire.

I am not Jewish but I am certainly Frugal except when it comes to the Kat.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 01-12-2010 at 10:29 PM

bjprowlerMy sincere apologies if this post offended any Jewish friends...Hope instead, you see it for what it was meant to be;....humorous
catfishhumerous,but true.


Y2KRedProwler[QUOTE]Originally posted by catfish:
[B]typical jew.

Where in the joke did it say the pretzel lady was Jewish? All it said was that this is an example of a word and where the word came from. The word is used weekly in the Los Angeles Times to describe lots of people. Another example of the usage of this word is to say, "a person has a lot of CHUTZPAH to make the statement "typical jew" on the POA website!"

SirRealBravo Y2K, my thoughts exactly.
bjp, it wasn't your joke that was offensive...
Typical catfish.

catfish, humerous??
If you look right above where you wrote the word humerous, you will see where bjp spelled humorous correctly. Does that mean all typical racists are lazy and can't spell? The broadbrush misses the details.

HairarchitectI'm a Jew and I loved it ... and still manage to speak Yiddish(dying language) with my Father in South Africa who is a survivor(Holocaust) and very Jewish and he loved it to ... so enjoy the humor... knowledge is power

This message has been edited by Hairarchitect on 01-12-2010 at 10:59 PM

Originally posted by catfish:
typical jew.

Holy $hit!!! Let me start out by stating that I am not anywhere near being a Politically Correct whistle blower, nor am I Jewish, and I must admit that I was greatly offended by your comment. Bj was just stating the definition of a Yiddish term as stated as per Leo Rosten and you turned it into a racial slur.

People have been banned for life from the POA for doing far less on this site. There are many people on this web site with different racial backgrounds, cultures and religions, as is all of America. That is what makes both so great. As an American, the constitution states that you are allowed freedom of speech and you are entitled to your own opinions. And we all know you have P-L-E-N-T-Y of those. However you need to review the POA Bylaws. This is not a forum nor a platform for racism and it should not be tolerated here by anyone one this web site.

This site has become a virtual family, and it represents each and everyone of us, and being racist is one of those of those opinions I will not be associated with nor represented by.

Besides, 35 cents is dirt cheap for a pretzel. Come to NYC and you'll be lucky to find one for under $4.00. Now THAT'S CHUTZPAH.

catfishyiddish is mainly a jewish term.it wasnt meant to offend anybody.guess you shouldnt read into it a remark that you assumed was racist.you should never assume,thats dangerous.
sounds to me like youre the racist wildbill.you call me a racist,youre full of it.i think you owe me an apology.


This message has been edited by catfish on 01-13-2010 at 01:03 AM

heynow14Ok, enough of this "racist" bs already. We're all friends here. Now let's get back to bashing terrorists/Muslims/illegals/Democrats.


Originally posted by catfish:
yiddish is mainly a jewish term.it wasnt meant to offend anybody.guess you shouldnt read into it a remark that you assumed was racist.you should never assume,thats dangerous.
sounds to me like youre the racist wildbill.you call me a racist,youre full of it.i think you owe me an apology.

Maybe in the future, after you spell check, you should sit back and think about what you wrote before you send it for public viewing. I don't easily get offended, but your first derogatory statement is racist and offensive. There was nothing to assume. Everyone can see that your comment is a racist remark. By saying, and IN YOUR OWN WORDS "TYPICAL JEW" is in fact, a racist and offensive remark. Just using the term, FROM YOUR OWN WORDS "JEW" is in fact a racist and offensive remark.

In your latest statement. Where, can you derive or even formulate with any common sense, or make an attempted "educated" guess from my remarks posted above of my disappointment of a statement which you made, that it sounds to you that I am a racist? Please. Point it out to me. I would really like to know. Talk about reading into something that isn't there. Ignorance is Bliss.

To correct the first sentence of your most recent statement. Yiddish is a High German language of Jewish origin. A language, not a Jewish term as you stated. Chutzpah is a Yiddish term from said High German language of Jewish origin.

i.e. Just because a person from the first party makes a comment about a person of the second party of "That person has a lot of Chutzpah" does not, in fact, imply or state that either party is Jewish.

While yes, Chutzpah is a Yiddish term, it in fact can be used by anyone of any cultural background. Great thing about living in a country that shares so many cultures. You can learn from them.

But you are right. I do owe you a very heartfelt apology.

Catfish... Jan,
I am deeply sorry you don't realize that what you wrote, and how you wrote it, was racist and very offensive. I further extend my apologies to everyone who reads the racial comment posted by catfish. I assure you that his comments or the contents of his publications do not reflect the views, feelings or policies of the Bylaws of the Prowler Owners Association, nor do they represent ProwlerOnLine.com

This message has been edited by WildBill on 01-13-2010 at 03:02 AM

Originally posted by WildBill:

Catfish... Jan,
I am deeply sorry you don't realize that what you wrote, and how you wrote it, was racist and very offensive. I further extend my apologies to everyone who reads the racial comment posted by catfish. I assure you that his comments or the contents of his publications do not reflect the views, feelings or policies of the Bylaws of the Prowler Owners Association, nor do they represent ProwlerOnLine.com

WildBill...thanks for posting this!
I also found that remark VERY offensive...my business partner is Jewish and I have a lot of respect for the Jewish religion and their people...There is no TYPICAL JEWS my friend...just as much as there is no TYPICAL CAUCASIAN either...or a TYPICAL CHRISTIAN or ANGLICAN or whatever!
I totally share WildBill's opinion on this and am merely expressing my point of view.
Once again I do not like to post negative comments...not my style!Unless it's over the top...
If i offended anyone...I apologize in advance!

Tytanium-KWILDBILL =
...and that's ALL I have to say about it...
HairarchitectGuys.....beside me ... who here is Jewish ? and i don't take offence as i read it correctly . It was humorous... so take a chill pill if you aren't Jewish
cstallI don't think it would be correct to say that a remark like "typical Jew" is racist since Jew, yiddish, etc are correlated to faith, not race. Anti-semetic maybe, but not racist.
Now that we've cleared that up, on to the lighter side...
2 Jews and a grasshopper walk into a bar...
Bartender says to the grasshopper: ya know, we've got a drink named after you.
Grasshopper says: Really? My name Steve...

This message has been edited by cstall on 01-13-2010 at 09:46 PM

Wayne FinchAny wonder that the Jewish are God's chosen people. In spite of all the hardships and turmoil inflicted upon them through history, Jewish people have flourished. Virtually every jewish person I know is successful.

From NY Times

"Jews are a famously accomplished group. They make up 0.2 percent of the world population, but 54 percent of the world chess champions, 27 percent of the Nobel physics laureates and 31 percent of the medicine laureates."

"Jews make up 2 percent of the U.S. population, but 21 percent of the Ivy League student bodies, 26 percent of the Kennedy Center honorees, 37 percent of the Academy Award-winning directors, 38 percent of those on a recent Business Week list of leading philanthropists, 51 percent of the Pulitzer Prize winners for nonfiction."

" The Jewish faith encourages a belief in progress and personal accountability"

JeraneWI am Scotch and Irish. You may tell all the Scotch and Irish jokes you want and I won't be offended. There are too many overly "sensitive" people in this world.
HowardWe could learn a lot from crayons...

Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box.

nitrosteveFirst off, I thought the joke was cute. I am very offended by some of the remarks that followed in this post. I am not Jewish but I find the remark "Typical Jew" to be very offensive and totally out of line. Maybe someone can explain to me what that means, since someone made this Anti Semitic remark, I would like that person to tell me their definition of a "Typical Jew". They must have a definition of exactly what that statement means and I would like to hear it. I have many friends that are Jewish and I know for a fact they would be offended by that remark. That is a racial slur and no one needs to read between the lines, the statement is all telling. I think the moderators on this site should read this thread carefully and quit sitting on their hands and take appropriate action against this racially motivated, Anti Semitic comment. This is not funny and is very hurtful to many people. Just my opinion!
DETECTIVE ON THE PROWLI am deeply saddened that “ Americans of the Jewish Faith” have become a target of “Anti Semitism” on this site! And that includes stereotypical racial/religious epithets. As a community and club, and in our daily lives, we should embrace individual differences, encourage one another and strive for excellence in all we do!

When something like this happens, it is a violation of our ”Prowler Community's” values, commitments and goals! We should eradicate this reprehensible behavior and send the message that intolerance is unacceptable! There is too much good and right about our “Prowler Community” to have the actions of a few individuals tarnish a place that is a great place to meet friends and attend events!

I want the “Prowler Community” to be the kind of place where friends and fellow car owners feel safe, valued and encouraged! We can only get there if all of us make a personal commitment to doing what is right - and I know that the POA knows what that means!

Last Monday we observed Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday. Let us recall his words; the time is always right to do what is right!

By the way, I’m not African American, I’m Jewish and my wife of 23 wonderful years is Irish Catholic!


“Detective on the Prowl”


Ken & Roslin RomainI have seen the original email that was circulated on the Internet.
The picture was of an old women in Moscow.
How you could come to the conclusion she was Jewish, I don't know.

The word Chutzpah describes the action, not the person.

Barry did a GREAT job in describing how most of us feel about our Prowler Family. There should be no place for derogatory comments.

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