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Topic:Chrome Grill with Horizontal Bars
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
drhixsonsrCan anyone help with where to buy a chrome grill with horizontal Bars?
Thanks for your comments.
fibertopWhy not do the patented AC $12 grille mod?

Check out the improvement from my avatar to the above shot.

This message has been edited by fibertop on 03-27-2011 at 08:28 AM

ALLEY CATDamn,,,,that grill treatment looks awesome,,,and reasonable
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Damn,,,,that grill treatment looks awesome,,,and reasonable

Are you still getting a commission on this product? How long is the warrenty?

alrtg http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum9/HTML/003219.html

Here is a great looking grill. You will notice the horizontal bars are closer together than the stock grill.

Jim offers these in polished or chrome finishes. I am partial to the chrome one myself.

Bob Miller
Originally posted by alrtg:

Here is a great looking grill. You will notice the horizontal bars are closer together than the stock grill.

Jim offers these in polished or chrome finishes. I am partial to the chrome one myself.

I have one of Jim's grills and I can say it is exceptional quality in both fit and finish!

Originally posted by galaxie:
Are you still getting a commission on this product? How long is the warrenty?

Mac,,,,YES I am, but many are in arrears on their $12 payment to me for the use. Thanks for bringing this up,,,I may turn the 'slow pay' people over to you for collection,,,,,, (40% commission on fees collected by you)

Warranty? Again YES. Five years or the first rain, whichever comes first.

obi-wanI have done several real chrome grills in the past. They are based on a real orig. equipment grill using a VERY trick process that is real chrome. To my knowledge no one else can do this PROPERLY. It Costs 1500.oo and takes about 6 to 8 weeks to do. To say the least it is labor intensive. It fits properly because it is an orig. grille.I have had one of these on my own car for a number of years now and it has worked perfectly. I make no apologies for the price-you get what you pay for. Now my detractors out here will chime in with all kinds of reasons why not to buy anything from me and the war will continue. Well, I'll except this challenge as I always have and continue to offer quality products. This one is very special and must be paid for in advance as does my front brakes(as I have mentioned before). My other items can only be ordered if I have them in stock. See chrome tach. in the tech. section in this general discussion area.
Read the history blog completely and make up your own mind. If you have ANY questions please e-mail me or better yet call me and leave a message and I'll get back to you on my nickle. 650-967-3609. I hope this helps, Obi-Wan
obi-wanI forgot to mention that it is sold only as an exchange for a perfect orig. grille. You would send me yours after you get the chrome one. I'm not good at posting pic,s. but I can supply high resolution pic's. of my own grille upon request and an address as to where to send them. Again, I hope this all helps, Obi-Wan

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