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Forum:Event Discussions
Topic:Chorpus Christi Lexingtonh
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
mslc10Some Houston ,Austin and San antonio Kats ran to Corpus Christi for a Trip to:

From the bow

Looking to the bow

Looking to the stern

Cap'n on the bridge

Controls Gage's for just one of four steam turbines


This message has been edited by mslc10 on 06-15-2015 at 09:54 PM

padrooI know most of the aircraft on her deck. The A6-A Intruder was my Vietnam era airplane. The last one retired in 1993.

I have seen the Yorktown in Charleston harbor. There is a National Medal of Honor museum in her. I want to go back some day and take the tour. Fort Sumper is there too. If you go to a place called Patriots Point you can go to both places.


ed monahanWe just did the Yorktown tour and a tour of the sub. there, about 18 months ago, I think. Subs weren't made for old guys, especially if they are 6' 2". I can't believe folks lived on those things for months at a time.
druOK Mark, you're going to shame me into posting a few pictures as well. A terrific group of Prowler owners met up in Corpus Christi to visit the USS Lexington. Quite a storied past and an impressive part of history. Well worth the time to visit and tour.

L-R Vernetta and Terry (Austin), Larry and Connie (Galveston area), Back Dana and Mark (San Antonio), Cindy and Charlie (Galveston area)

Lady Lex

Check out the message on the nose


Gunners Larry and Dana

Views from the hotel, to the Left USS Lex, to the Right a beautiful marina

Dinner. Got to meet a another owner (Mat)who came from San Antonio to meet us. Very nice guy with a wonderful wife,
son and daughter

Again, thanks to the great group of people who came. Could not ask for better company!

This message has been edited by dru on 06-16-2015 at 10:24 PM

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