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Topic:Changing the Prowler up a bit
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Stray CatA bit apprehensive as I've always thought dont mess with a good thing, Plymouth did a wonderful job on our cars IMHO. But taking the car to Tom Mills this PM. Removing the front Bumpers and Tom is installing his Turn Signal Relocation units, Painting the rear Bumpers (Saw this in Carlisle on a black car and really liked it) Installing Gary's Mini Belly Pan, also installing Gary's rear Spoiler with LED's and then Tom is putting a two piece Trunk on as I have the Hard top. A bit frightened that I am messing with a good thing! But we will make this one our own. Now the front end is gonna be screaming for a Chrome front end. Ugh....


Stray CatWas this picture that started all this. First time I've ever considered removing those front Bumpers....
cdeluca99All of Tom and Gary’s parts are top shelf. Car is going to look amazing, you are definitely doing it right. We don’t need no stinkin bumpers!!!!Congratulations!!!

This message has been edited by cdeluca99 on 06-08-2023 at 08:23 AM

BeWareCongratulations John. Can’t wait to see it.. I’m guessing Tom will have it a couple months. You lucked out that Tom found he had a left over turn signal kit.
onecatnodogI'm hoping and was told by TOM himself that I was the next person to get the trick trunk. I'm waiting on his call to do so. Looks like that may not be the case if this story is true. Please say it isn't so.. John(onecatnodog)

onecatnodogIf it is true, it's so sad as I just bought a new fan and I was hoping not to get STUFF all over it.. John(onecatnodog)
sngsmgI like the no front bumper look.


Originally posted by MDProwler:


Stray CatThanks all, Gary, thanks a lot - haha. Since Gary Does not do Chrome any longer, would have no idea where to go for a chrome front end. All the cars on this post are beautiful and unique! Thanks for sharing. I thought that the one sngsmg posted was Dick Henry's at first.

Met with Tom and Suzie for a good bit of time on Thursday evening and yes, I am sure he will have it quite some time. That's OK, I can tell the work Tom does is special and you cant hurry that! Showed me some things on the car that from the factory were not very good. Mis-match panels etc. He will attempt to correct that. And yes Rich, he has just one turn signal kit left and it just happened to be black. Very lucky! Gonna work on a few different things but this car will be our own now and be something that is different from other black cars out there. I have the gears, and an intake and some parts for the Borla Exhaust. That will all come next.


This message has been edited by Stray Cat on 06-11-2023 at 08:27 PM

Stray CatIf you've not seen this, and listened to the rescue mission that it took to get it looking like this, well, it was amazing.

This message has been edited by Stray Cat on 06-11-2023 at 08:32 PM

Tom Mills
Originally posted by onecatnodog:
I'm hoping and was told by TOM himself that I was the next person to get the trick trunk. I'm waiting on his call to do so. Looks like that may not be the case if this story is true. Please say it isn't so.. John(onecatnodog)

I sent you an email

Originally posted by Stray Cat:
If you've not seen this, and listened to the rescue mission that it took to get it looking like this, well, it was amazing.

I agree. That Studebaker is off the charts stunning and amazing.

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