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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Cat Smoking
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
onecatnodogHad the Prowler out yesterday and when I came back home the neighbor came across the street and said that when I left this morning that my cat was smoking. So I parked out front and let the top down and raced the engine and didn't see a thing. Raised the hood check the fluids and did a quick check on the gages and all was well. So I went in side and had my wife come out and race the car while I checked out the exhaust and didn't see anything. Went across the street and asked my neighbor if she was sure that she saw the cat smoking when I left and she assured me that it's been going on for at least 3 weeks now and thought that I should know about it. She said it only happens when I leave in the morning. Any ideas what it could be and has any others experienced this? Hasn't used a drop of oil and the gas mileage is right were it was when I bought the car. Well last night I gave her my camera so she could maybe get a picture to show me when I came home at lunch. Well at lunch today I got my proof, a clear picture of my cat smoking and would not have believed it if it wasn't for the photo that she took.......
ed monahanSmoking causes lung cancer so hopefully you could use the patch on the cat.
Seriously, it is probably smoking after it sits overnight, indicating you might have a slight leak down of fuel.
Is it blue/grey or black smoke??
onecatnodogAfter down loading the picture thank goodness for modern toys that I didn't have to wait a week I was able to verify that what she said was true. Sorry for posting this as a problem. It was solved, as some owners of cats some times jump to conclusions or are very critical of them self and others as stated by Mike Krehel and then there is the old misunderstanding witch was the case here. Thanks P.O.A. your the greatest site for putting up with me and others and have over looked most of my mistakes such as this post.... P.O.A. ROCKS ....onecatnodog=John Collins

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