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Topic:Cat Attack
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DixieCatI finally got around to taking my new (to me) '99 Prowler in to have it checked by the Chrysler dealer whose shop is down the street from where I work.

I knew the front end was out of alignment because the front tires, with only 3,500 miles on them need to be replaced because they are worn unevenly.

When I picked the car up, the owner told me the guys in the service department had a lot of fun with the Prowler. The service manager said, yes, the shop forman was attacked by the car.

It seems the hood struts didn't hold and the hood came down, hitting the guy in the back of the head. Worse, he also cut his lip as he tried to escape the grip of the cat.

BTW, the Prowler drives a lot better after being realigned. It's not nearly at twitchy as it was before.

The OEM hood struts are a known weak spot. If you do a search you will discover that Steven Fenner makes a very robust replacement strut for a little over a $100.00/pair. The struts take about 5 minutes to replace with no tools required. We had a group purchase last winter, and I believe everyone is very happy with their purchase. Don't waste your money on OEM replacement struts.
DixieCatThanks for the suggestion, quincy. When I bought the Prowler, I got it from a Dodge dealer and got him to throw in a 3-year, 45,000-mile MaxCare extended warranty.

So, I'm going to let Daimler Chrysler replace the OEM hood struts every month, if that's what it takes. Once the warranty expires, I'll convert to the $100 aftermarket struts.

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