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Topic:Car travel across US/Canadanian border
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Randy CobbTo go back and forth the border, must you have a passport?
I go to website and they are contradictory.
Some say only need copy of birth certificate & DL.

Going duck hunting in northern Montana tomorrow. Guide says birds are not quite down there, but 50 miles north across the border they are. My passport is at safe deposit box at the bank and banks are closed today for Veteran's Day.

xtreme prowlerI know you must have a passport to enter the US from Canada... I am guessing this law goes both ways...
robinThen throw a gun in .....
good luck....
This is the new age.
I think only children can cross with a birth certificate. and a note ....From other parent????

Other wise its though without proper paper work.

Not the old days anymore. robin
Government forgot terrorist have past ports.

If you do have a good day in Canada.

Randy CobbI read to cross into the US FROM Canada is more strict that the other way around.
Randy CobbWe would be carrying hunting guns.
And my passport is locked away.

I'm sure experienced guides could get the gun permit handled, but I may be out of luck without the passport.

robinTrue we welcome almost anyone ....
Good luck getting back in...LOL

Give me a call if you need a place to stay.....

phone 0u812

Randy CobbThanks Robin, but we have accommodations in Montana.

Looks like a DL will get me into Canada, but need either a passport or Enhanced DL to get back into the US.

Does that make sense?

RPLRandy, that's correct, passport or enhanced drivers license. Not all states offer an enhanced drivers license that is acceptable. A passport is safest. It's always easier for me to get into Canada than coming back into the US and always use my passport. Do not attempt to take a hand gun into Canada.
ZundappDON'T enter Canada with a gun unless you have the form mentioned in this link. You are not in the USA, Canada has their own opinions about guns. You could get into a lot of trouble,it might cost you more than you think.

PLEASE read this link.

If you take a birth cert. make sure the seal is a raised seal and not a copy of a birth cert. I'd take a passport before I'd go into ANY country. You can call the US embassy in Canada toll free if you have questions. The laws and rules change more than they use to, play it safe and relax and have fun.

This message has been edited by Zundapp on 11-11-2015 at 06:52 PM

Randy CobbWhen to border Friday. Agent (only one there) let me into Canada with my DL and a copy of my birth cert, but made me promise to have a passport next time. He even told me of when my passport was dated and that it had expired. They didn't even check our guns, alcohol or food items. We had declaration forms completed for hunting guns. 20 minutes if that at the station. Did say if have a DUI on your record that you could not cross into Canada. I didn't need a firearm declaration since United did not forward my gun or gear bag from Chicago...but that is another story.

Coming back into US Sunday was a task. Nice agents, but said US regulations far tighter. Let me cross with DL and copy of birth cert, but told me they could have kept me from crossing. Basically did a DMV and criminal record check on me. Searched our rental SUV THOROUGHLY. We told them that we had no citrus because we thought we had thrown it all out. In search they found an unopened bag of tangerines. This really ticked them off. Said if it was not a Sunday a FDA person would normally be there and had powers to arrest us by finding citrus after telling them we had none. Very tight on inspecting guns and game. Said we were supposed to have declared the guns at the US station side before going into Canada, then go to Canada station. Told me I would have to get current passport if ever was to come back into states again. Said I was in the data base as a one and only strike offender. Hour and a half at US station. Very nice, but very strict.

This was at a small and new stations above Glasgow, MT and below Swift Current, Sasketchewan.

My advice.....
Have a current passport
Check guns on US side before going to Canadian station
Only carry hunting guns with Canadian Non-Resident Firearm Declaration accurately completed.
Make sure you have little food and absolutely no citrus coming back into US.

alrtgThe easiest way to cross the borders these days it seems it to have no documentation and look real suspicious, then there likely wouldn't have any concerns.

After all, they are simply doing their best to make it difficult on the HONEST person. JMO

I am saddened to hear about all the grief decent folks get in simple situations.

RPLRandy, Don't take any chance next time you cross the border. Your file has been flagged and they don't fool around. You've used up your single chance.
StingRayAgree with RPL ... I am a jokester, just my nature ... and that no longer is welcome on either side of the border by border security, but especially by ours!!

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