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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Can't get that job as a janitor because you lack a high school education?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerNot to worry!!!....

Become a United States Senator!!!!

Requirements: (THESE ARE REAL!!!!!)
1. United States citizen
2. At least 30 years old
3. Resident of the state you represent for 5 years
4. Resident of your district for 12 months....

No experience in government, economics, finance, medicine or world affairs???? NO PROBLEM!!!!

Fun things you'll be able to do on your new job include voting on health care programs that you won't even have to be involved in since you're now a "goverment" employee...(What the hell is an EKG anyhow.....and why should YOU care?)

Voting on trillion dollars budgets when you have no idea how many zeros ARE EVEN IN a trillion dollars...(you missed that if you quit school in the 8th grade)

A pension plan for life if you serve just one term before you get booted out....

You'll also make a lot of new "friends" called lobbyist that will send you on cool vacations and help you get re-elected.....

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 07-26-2009 at 07:04 PM

alrtgYeah......but you have to work in D.C. (District of Confusion)
and unless you have a chauffeur or helicopter, the commute is all but unbearable. NO Thanks, I will keep my hourly service job.
ed monahanI like the fact that the NJ mayor took a bribe before he even took office. That is getting ahead of the curve, for sure.

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