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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Campaign contirbutions
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeWith the supreme court ruling on campaign contributions, the average middle class person has been priced out of bribing politicians.
I can remember the day when you could buy a vice president for only $5000. When Spiro Agnew pleaded Nolo to accepting a $5000 bribe, I thought, " I could buy my own vice president."

Now it will only be billionaires who can afford to buy politicians.

Manufacture or perish.

ALLEY CATNow you are back in the early 1970's ..... What would $5K be worth in today's dollars? $30K ?

$30K ,,, Probably enough to buy a seat at a Obama-Democratic Fund Raising luncheon, featuring a tuna-fish sandwich and four Martinis

Reech,,I think you'll be able to get a seat!

ALLEY CATDemocratic Legislators Take Bribes to Oppose Voter ID—And Get Away With It

" The Philadelphia Inquirer revealed that the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office caught at least four Philadelphia-area legislators taking multiple bribes ranging from a few hundred dollars to thousands in cash and Tiffany jewelry. Uncovered as part of a sting operation, these bribes were given to Philadelphia Democrats in exchange for votes or contracts, including opposition to Pennsylvania’s proposed voter ID law. "

. http://blog.heritage.org/2014/03/21/democratic-legislators-take-bribes-oppose-voter-id-get-away/

bjprowlerI heard that things are getting so bad that the Dems are offering BOGO in California and Illinois...

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