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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Richnew41Hey everyone….

My girl is sold…. I’m truly heartbroken…. I’m having a very difficult time with this… I hope that someday I’ll have a shot at another (And if that happens it will be Inca Gold) haha…
I just want to thank everyone that made ownership of a Prowler even better…. There will never be anything that compares to the POA….
You are such honorable men… Knowing most of you was a humbling experience
(For the exception of Ed) haha…. Sorry Ed, could not help myself….
Take care my friends
God willing, hoping to be back someday…
Rich Newman

BeWareJust because you no longer have a Prowler doesn't mean you cant continue to post and or attend events. Best to you.
I enjoyed meeting you at Carlisle and seeing you from time to time as circumstances permitted.

Just because you sold your car does not mean you can't hang around and participate.

When I mentioned it was time for me to consider finding a new caretaker for my Silver 2000, I truly expected to take a while to sell and had no thoughts that it would find a home so quickly but it did.

Even though seller's remorse set in quickly, I am comforted by knowing that the car is in very good hands at this point in time and am looking forward to seeing it next month at Carlisle, it would be nice to see you there as well.

garysssRich you have contributed a lot to POA and are a great member. Please stay around or at least check in with us occasionally. We wish you good luck going forward. I'm glad you got your Prowler sold and hope to see you buying another in the future.
Did you sell Prowler locally? Hope to see you again!
ed monahanDon't stay away too long. I am like a fungus, I grow on you. lol
TucsonJerBest of luck my friend, I bet it won’t be too long before you’re back.(Speaking from experience) If you happen to end up in Tucson for any reason I can put you up. I use Patrick O’Meara as a reference. Lol.
Richnew41Thank you all for the replies….
I will jump on from time to time as my head clears over this….

Gary… It was not locally sold (The gent is located in your State) I put it on EBay with a 30 day buy it now and it sold on day 4. He came to the house and trailered it home….

I got my full asking price…. At the time I was up against 9 other Prowlers for sale, all had low mileage ( ranging from 4-9 thousand miles) so I thought I’d have a difficult time with 22k on mine. It was the chromed front suspension, custom waterfall and bezel that sold it…

He is very nice guy… Name is Ron and I gave him the complete run-down of being a POA member and the benefit of being part of the family….
He may be on soon to introduce himself….

You are all the best of the best!!!

mslc10Take care brother! Thanks for your assistance on subwoofer idea!
Stray CatRich,

Rich (BeWare) is right. I sold mine in 2013. Had to . Only checked in a few times. That was a mistake on my part. The car didn't make the memories, you (and all your friends) did. That was straight from my son.

Case in Point - Steve Clark called me last evening. We caught up for over a half hour. That was fun. But for about 7 or 8 years, I was out. Stay in touch. I agree, I have seen you so much on here. Stay involved and like me, someday you will get another. And like me, someone in this group will help you do it.



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