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Topic:Buying first Prower
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
dean1948I have one more question....I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday about buying my first Prower. He came up with some crap about these cars are hard to get someone to make repairs on them and they are hard to get parts for them also. I told him for God's sake the car is a Chysler produt and the local Chysler dealer would surely work on them. I sure I can buy parts at the Chysler dealership also. Who is correct on this arguement?........Thanks again........Dean
garysssMost dealers can and will work on them, that shouldn't be a problem. Some parts have been discontinued from dealer, some of them have been made by other sources. I know of no one who has a Prowler sitting because they couldn't get it fixed, but i guess that could change in the future as the cars get older. I don't think many owners are to worried about at this point. Hope you get one soon.
beachcatI would say he is somewhat right but not to the point that it should stop you buying one. The car has been out of production for 10 years so it's normal that new parts and qualified technician are becoming scarce. You can still get any part used or some NOS.The car itself is fairly simple and common technology for the most part.Also it seems when parts become so scarce that the price skyrockets, Chrysler will step up and make a batch. Rear brake rotors are an example.
EssexExportJust had a water pump done on mine with new belts, etc. at a regular repair shop around two months ago. No problem. Got the car back the same day.
SuperKatWe have our car serviced at the local dealer in a small town. Never had a problem with service or with parts.
catfishfed law is that you must make parts critical to the operation of the car for whst used to be eleven yrs. then that was changed a few yrs back to seven.thats all cars,no matter what brand.like any other car out there thats old parts get discontinued.thats normal for all cars.getting them repaired is no problem.down the road if you had a crash,and couldnt find a particular body part,total it and buy another one,it only a car.doing to the 3.5 being used in other mopar models, will not be a problem for mech. parts.for a long time.


This message has been edited by catfish on 12-25-2012 at 06:56 PM

ed monahanThe electronics, the computers are going to be the parts that will be scarce but someone will figure out a solution. Go for it and your buddy can look at you with enby for years.

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