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T O P I C     R E V I E W
guitarlampHello All-

Has anyone ever taken apart their bumper? Mine was loose inside the bumper and I was thinking about buying a new (or used) front passengers side. I decided I didn't have anything to loose by opening it up to see if I could fix it. See pic. Anyway, I have a friend that can weld aluminum (I tried it with a stick welder and found that I suck at it!) But my friend will weld and enforce it when he gets back in town next week.

The question is, what should I use to glue it back together??? They originally had a tongue and groove set up but I had to cut through it. Any Ideas???

PS- I prefer the look of my car with the bumpers on and don't want to remove them.

xtreme prowlerOne of the body guys may know what material the bumpers are made of and what to use to glue them together...
If you could create some anchor points on each half using small screws and possibly some metal mesh,
then you could fill the void with some of that expandable foam thus holding the 2 halfs together...
crazy idea I know, but could work..
you may need to paint them when you are done.... good luck with your fix..

This message has been edited by xtreme prowler on 09-09-2011 at 02:34 PM

katmatTalk to Buddy C, he has some to sell. It might be worth checking to see what a new one would cost.
ALLEY CATI've cut the skin off of a damaged front bumper in the past.

My advice,,,buy another bumper to replace the cracked one.

BTW,,,,nice lamps

catfishcan you post pictures of what you want to glue together.sounds to me as a/c says you need another bumper.sometime they can be repaired sometimes not.


HowardJust cable tie the plastic to the metal bumper part. LOL I use to sell cable ties to Home Depot. People use these for everything.

This message has been edited by Howard on 09-09-2011 at 06:54 PM

padrooIf it's aluminum I would have them TIG welded.
idiveMy guess is that it was in a minor wreck that damaged the bumper. The inside framing has crumple zones for your safety. Welding your bumper solid could compromise your safety.
Originally posted by idive:
My guess is that it was in a minor wreck that damaged the bumper. The inside framing has crumple zones for your safety. Welding your bumper solid could compromise your safety.

I agree, leave them off

JudgeProwlerI have a set of bumpers I will sell you.
guitarlampAre they grey? How much?
Dan 913-362-5004
CWatsonJrI also have a set I am getting ready to sell, although I am not excited about trying to find a box to put them in and ship them. I was going to try and find someone in SoCal that I could play ding-dong-ditch to... Almost
idiveguitarlamp Dan - I might be able to help fix you up on your bumper very reasonably. Will get an email out tomorrow.
guitarlampDoes anyone know if the 2001 Mulholland Edition Prowler came with grey or black bumpers?
ALLEY CAT2001 are black....

Only '97 and '99 models came with the grey bumpers

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 09-26-2011 at 10:18 AM

guitarlampBumper update-
I got my inner bumper frame re-welded and found some plastic bumper glue to glue them together... Working... New pictures soon!
guitarlampHeres a picture of my bumper frame after it has been welded and reinforced with some aluminum diamond plate.

guitarlampThen I glued an inner plastic liner to help hold it together.
guitarlampThen, I put the aluminum frame inside the bumper and glued it back together with plastic bumper glue.

guitarlampThank you all for the offers to sale me your bumpers...
You guys are GREAT!!! I was originally gonna try to fix mine but then decided It would be too hard and I should just buy one.

Then I worked on mine a little at a time and decided that I could fix mine and at the same time I would re-paint all 4 of my bumpers. More pictures to come...

StingRayCool project .... can't wait to see the finished results!
guitarlampJust about finished sanding... gonna prime soon!
CWatsonJrWhile you are working on them, you should install some type of spring loaded or electric motor operated license plate retraction system. I had thought about doing something like that but then I just decided to remove them instead.

Ahhh, the fun days.

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