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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Brian Williams to join MSNBC
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
cstallWhat a combo!
A liberal news channel and a guy who can't tell a straight story!


"I'm Briam Williams and today I was in a helicopter piloted by Buzz Lightyear and saw a million people die from global warming!"

This message has been edited by cstall on 06-18-2015 at 12:07 PM

ALLEY CATMade for each other,,, Liberal MSNBC and phony, butt kisser Brian Williams....


FNC has hired two conservative heavyweights to go up against Brian Williams' 'Story Telling Hour' MSNBC show:

^ > Sheriff Joe and C. Stall

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-18-2015 at 01:58 PM

silverkatDuring Williams hiatus he had his jaw broken and re set straight so it's not so damn crooked.
mslc10bw looks like a child molester

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 06-19-2015 at 03:37 PM

Originally posted by mslc10:
bw looks like a child molester

Yes and I also think he has a "Tinker Bell" outfit.

reecheeBut you know who hasn’t apologized, hasn’t even owned up to making things up? Why, the guy who many think is the face of Fox News, Bill O’Reilly. Evidence of his untruthfulness has surfaced regarding his exaggerated accounts of reporting on the Falklands war in Argentina, his false claim of being at the door of a man involved in the JFK assassination investigation just as he committed suicide, his misleading claims to have witnessed Irish terror attacks and the execution of nuns in El Salvador.

Why doesn't a jock point to the sky and say "thank you lord" when the play DOESN'T work?

ALLEY CATquote: "Evidence of his untruthfulness has surfaced ,,,"

Waiting for the evidence to be presented here,,,the factual, undeniable evidence.....

mslc10i understand that the folks at msnbc are pretty pissed!!

there was this:
MSNBC staff chanted ‘F- -k Brian Williams’ at party

then this:

What Does Brian Williams Return Say About MSNBC? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kevin-price/what-does-brian-williams-_b_7613908.html

oh... and this:
Brian Williams has some 'corrosive' history with his new MSNBC colleagues

mslc10"Why doesn't a jock point to the sky and say "thank you lord" when the play DOESN'T work?"

why would he?

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 06-23-2015 at 04:50 PM

silverkatBrian Williams should be given the job of cleaning toilet bowls at MSLSD...with his tongue.
Originally posted by mslc10:
"Why doesn't a jock point to the sky and say "thank you lord" when the play DOESN'T work?"

why would he?

Because it is God's will.

BeWarereechee's source is probably Mother Jones

Bill O’Reilly has responded to accusations made by the magazine Mother Jones, who claimed in a new report that O’Reilly fabricated war stories when he covered the war in the Fauklands for CBS News. The Fox News host has called this report “total bullish*t.”

Though Mother Jones says that O’Reilly claimed to specifically be in the Faukland Islands, he says he did no such thing.

“If you were assigned to a war, you put on your resume you covered the Falklands, the Middle East, El Salvador, wherever it is where you were sent,” he told Mediaite. “That is what journalists do.”

“Everything I reported is absolutely accurate” he added, before going after Mother Jones and Washington Bureau Chief David Corn in particular for a “history of smears, lies, and gutter-sniping.” He also called Corn “a despicable human being.”

O’Reilly has sent a clear message that he has never lied or embellished war stories at any time in his career. Lower your pitchforks, liberals, because you’re not getting O’Reilly today!


Bill O'Reilly responds to claims he lied about 'combat situation'


This message has been edited by BeWare on 06-24-2015 at 09:14 AM

bjprowlerThanks for the O'Reilly post, Rich. In it Bill O'Reilly provides proof positive of his account.

It's a damn shame that liberals are so gullible....When we refer to them as "sheeple" this is a perfect example. Jeeze!

beachcatWhat an embarrassment to have your journalists publicly arguing and insulting each other like this. Looks bad on the state of journalism in the US IMO.
silverkatJournalism? We have a media totally in the tank for Obama. There's no journalism in this country. The far left sets the agenda and the media spits their agenda out to the American people verbatim. If you're a conservative in this country the libs scream you're a racist. It's sick out there and getting sicker. I don't have the mental disorder called liberalism so I'm not embarrassed in the least.
Originally posted by beachcat:
What an embarrassment to have your journalists publicly arguing and insulting each other like this. Looks bad on the state of journalism in the US IMO.

Our administration ,government ,VA , .........IS an embarrassment .

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