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Topic:Brand New Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bbcarWell a friend of mine from Chicago e-mailed
me to tell me of a couple of Prowlers he has
found as he knew I was looking for one. He
found a Brand New 2002 Burnt Orange Met. at
a Chrysler dealer. I think it is Fenzel Chrysler
He talked to a guy named Rusty and was told
that sticker was 45,400 and they would like to
get 43,500 for the car. It has a whole 25 miles
on it. I think this dealer is in a suburb of
Chicago. If anyone inquires about the car please
say that Dick Stewart sent you.
Tytanium-K25 miles~wow~unbelieveable...bet someone here will relieve it of their dealership!
bbcarYeah, since it is brand new and never put
in service it will have a full factory
Tytanium-KGrab the Table Salt, Barry...I have an open, gaping wound!
CJBarry.........DC provides me, monthly, with a list of all new Prowlers still on dealer inventory. If your friend, or anyone else, needs help locating a specific color, just email me and I'll be glad to help!
Kelley AustinChrysler didn't make any '02 Oranges. Wassssup?
Tytanium-KProbably an '01, eh! Didn't they make two? Or was it Plymouth Orange AND Chrysler Orange? Guessin' Ty-K

I did check the stats page and it indicates: orange = 669 and Chrysler Orange = 345 (US models) for 2001 '0' in 2002

This message has been edited by Tytanium-K on 07-21-2004 at 11:58 AM

Kelley AustinCheck the facts and stats page it will tell you how many of each year and make.
bbcarI was just going by what Dick told me maybe
it is a 01 he thought it was a 02 because
that was the last year.
Are there any new prowlers in or around
the St.Louis area?
Thanks Barry
CJBarry, I sent you an email with a list.


Originally posted by CJ:
Barry.........DC provides me, monthly, with a list of all new Prowlers still on dealer inventory. If your friend, or anyone else, needs help locating a specific color, just email me and I'll be glad to help!

Originally posted by CJ:
Barry, I sent you an email with a list.

Where's my list, girl? I asked for one too! Pretty Please!
snif, snif

This message has been edited by Tytanium-K on 07-22-2004 at 07:01 AM

Bcoffman Gray Ghost
Originally posted by bbcar:
I was just going by what Dick told me maybe
it is a 01 he thought it was a 02 because
that was the last year.
Are there any new prowlers in or around
the St.Louis area?
Thanks Barry

Barry, There is a new 2002 Aztec Gold here at the local dealer. Marshall is about 120 miles west of St. Louis. Their phone number is 1-660-886-7469. Marshall Chrysler Center. Pat Bryan is the owner. I bought my first Prowler from him. My wife bought her last car from him also. Nice to deal with. Bill

CJTy.....I sent you an email also!
bbcarTHANKS for the help guys.
CJBarry........LOL......for the record......I'm not a "guy".
Originally posted by CJ:
Barry........LOL......for the record......I'm not a "guy".

Yes U R, CJ...you're just one o' the 'guys' here on this board...bein' called a guy is NOT gender-specific...girls (women) call their same-sexed friends 'guys' all the time!

Ty-K...the girlie-boy (NOT) but it's funny, eh!

CJWell, now that we have that straight...........I will take being called "one of the guys" a compliment.

but it's funny, eh!
.....you're not Canadian, are you??

This message has been edited by CJ on 07-23-2004 at 03:20 PM

Tytanium-K"but it's funny, eh!"
EH, Canadian, ya' say? Well, I never--perhaps I should, eh? Nah! I just like usin' it/sayin' it, EH! Eh? Whazzat yew say? Alrighty then ... guy ... Ty-K

bbcar Everyone is a guy when you are a CAR NUT, male or female
I can be more specific next time, I just put everyone on
a equal basis, if you are a car nut, you are a car nut.
By the way my wife Bianca is a true car nut and you would
not believe how much she knows about cars. It is so fun to
watch her correct people who think they know it all when
it comes to cars, I guess she has been around me and my
friends too long. Love it.

This message has been edited by bbcar on 07-23-2004 at 10:49 PM

CJBarry..........I was just kidding and I am a car nut that comes from being married to a car nut for 37 years!!
bbcarHi CJ, you have us beat by 10 years, 27 years married
and she knew nothing about cars when we got married.
As time passed I realized she really listened and learned
about cars. I have been a car nut all my life, mostly
muscle cars and have owned at least 1 of every muscle
car produced, I guess I was always in search of the
perfect car. My wife hates my changing cars as often
as I do, but I can tell she loves the Prowler, she has
owned about 30 or 40 cars since we were married and I
never let her have a car that was not a good car. Bianca
has always had a later model or new car to drive. When
we got married she had a 72 Duster and within weeks it
was replaced with a 72 Cuda. She now has a 04 PT Cruiser
turbo. I think it is great when wifes take a intrest
in their husbands hobbys and just don't stand there
without a clue. I have a group of friends (8)that go to
dinner once a week, only 1 of the wifes has no intrest
in cars at all the others all do. In another thread on
this site I mentioned that friends were taking bets on
how long I would keep THIS car. Seven months seems to
be their estimate and they are going to be SURPRISED.
After test driving a 99 black prowler I was hooked, it
is not like driving any other car I have ever driven.
This car puts a smile on my face every time I get in it.
I am sure everyone one this site knows what I mean by
that. We are going to a car cruise tonight and I will
get a pic with my wife and the prowler together and
post it.

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