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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Boycott Bloomberg
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RPLI'm proposing a grass roots boycott of former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and all companies that's he's associated with.

It seems that Michael Bloomberg feels that he can buy your second amendment rights. He's all for gun control and has pledged $50M of his personal money to support gun control advocates during the mid-term elections. He's bound and determined to take away your right to own a gun. Are you going to let that happen? He's not spending his money. He's spending money earned from you and I. I can't contribute enough to support the NRA's effort to counter the Bloomberg campaign "Every Town for Gun Safety" but I can refuse to support the Bloomberg machine.

New York has strong gun control laws and Bloomberg will point out that that has reduced gun crime. What reduced gun crime in New York was the stop and frisk policy of the Police Department making criminals afraid to be caught with a gun. Chicago has stricter gun control laws and it hasn't made a bit of difference in the gun death rate.

My question is are you going to stand idly by while your rights are taken away? Please encourage all of your family, friends and social media friends to boycott all Bloomberg commercial activities. Call your cable company and request that Bloomberg be removed from your service. The same thing with Sirius/XM satellite radio. Stop accessing their news feeds. Let's let Michael Bloomberg know that this is a free country and his money can not buy our Constitutional rights.

Michael Pond
BeWareBob, I am with you 100%. I will boycott anything Bloomberg is involved in. I hope the resulting effect is that he ends up with the equivalent of flushing his money down a drain. Also vote against any candidate whom Bloomberg supports.

http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/08/19/nra-ad-campai gn-targets-michael-bloomberg/14296467/

This message has been edited by BeWare on 09-11-2014 at 03:54 PM

RPLRich, I'm with you 100%. If Bloomberg supports a candidate, I'd vote for anyone else.

I'm also challenging everyone here to learn about the issues and candidates and vote in November. Your vote has never been more important. Freedom isn't free.

This message has been edited by RPL on 09-12-2014 at 06:43 AM

silverkatI think we have a pretty intelligent group here who know the issues and candidates well especially in their home states. I don't need to be challenged as I'm counting the days til election day so I can cast my votes. We all know the importance of the upcoming election and I'm praying for a Conservative rout of the Democrats.
RPLsilverkat, glad to see that you've taken the time to stay informed of the issues and facts and plan to vote in November! We all need to exercise our right to vote.

Do us all a favor and encourage all of your family, friends and fellow workers to think about the issues and get out and vote.

silverkatYou got it.
RPLToday I received an email from EBAY encouraging me to register to vote. They are encouraging people to get out and register to vote.
ed monahanI didn't check the veracity of this.

7-1-14? You got "screwed, and you didn't

get kissed"! I hate that, when that happens!

is what happened on July 1st 2014:

Income Tax bracket went from 35%
to 39.6%

Top Income Payroll Tax went from 37.4% to

Capital Gains Tax went from 15 % to

Dividend Tax went from 15% to

Estate Tax went from 0% to

taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, otherwise
as ObamaCare.

these taxes were passed with only Democrat

Not one Republican voted to
do these taxes.

this come election time
in Nov.

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