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Topic:Body Protectors
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
thomas leuschnerWho has installed Bob Goetz body protectors on thier Kat?
Is there any extra ground interference when going up a slightly ramped driveway? In your opinion are they worth the time,effort and cost?
I am in the process of removing my front bumpers and would like to add a little something for front nose protection.
JRLI've thought about it but never pulled the plug.
I've talked to Bob and he told me that they can be mounted slightly away from the body and then in that case I would think they would help, at least for those pesky concrete parking bunpers.
TFischerTom: I have them on my prowler. They have more than once saved the front end from bad scrapes, road debris and other miscellaneous things. If they get a nick I can take them off, repaint them and put them back on without having to worry about the nose of the kat being damaged. I've never had ground clearance issues with them. Tami

This message has been edited by TFischer on 11-27-2003 at 06:11 PM

cnote6Have them and love them. Look at my Scrapbook.


CatDudeI have more clearance problem w/ the front mud guards... never any clearance problem w/ the body protector.

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